10. When you have fully informed your selfe of the State
of affairs where you are designed, and of the manner of
treateing with the Indians if you shall find the aforegoeing
instructions deficient in any point which may be necessary for
you in the execution of your Comission, you are there to use
the utmost of your Care & endeavour to Act as may be most
for the Service of his Lordshipp and the good and Safety of
this Province according to the best of your judgment & dis-
cretion to which in such cases I wholly referr you.
Given at St Maries under his Lopps lesser Seale at Armes
this thirtith day of April in the second yeare of his Lopps
Dominion Annoq Dom. 1677.
Aprill the 30th 1677.
Comission for the peace in St Maryes County then issued to
John Jourdaine
Wm Boarman
John Coode Gentl of the Quor.
Wm Rosewell
Wm Hatton
Richard Loyd
Tho: Gerard
Joseph Pile
Joshua Doyne Gentl Justices
Clement Hill
Walter Hall
James Bowling
Richard Gardner
Dedimus potestat. to John Jourdaine & Wm Boareman
Att a Council held att St Mayes the 24th day of June Annoq
Dom. 1677
Thomas Notley Esqr Lievt Genll & chiefe Governr
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelr
the honble Wm Calvert Esqr Principall Secry
Baker Brooke Esqr Surveyr Genll
Major Benja Rozer
Whereas the Governour & Councell are informed that
there are severall persons that are seated within this Province
on the Seaboard side & doe pretend to be under the Gov-
ermnt of New Yorke Itt is therefore ordered that a speciall
Warrant be granted to Mr Wm Stevens for eight thousand
acres of land to be proportioned out by him for the encour-
agemt of such as will seat thence on the said Sea board
side, & that such persons as seat there shall have Seven