152 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678.
Lib. K. K.
One whole day after all which they had the confidence to
endeavour to perswade Us it was the Cinnigoes that com-
mitted the Outrage.
5. In the Articles of peace with the said Cinnigoes & Sus-
quesahannoughs (if yett the last be in a Capacity to treate
by themselves] you must include the Pascattaway Indians by
name and all other or Lowland Indians in Amity with us in
Generall termes, because the publique ffaith is given to the
Pascattoways that Wee will include them in Our peace with
the Northerne Indians, And Wee are never Safe from the north-
erne Indians as long as they have any pretence of Warr with
Our ffreind Indians nor from Our neighbour Indians as long
as they can have any Colour of a Warr to hide their Owne
faults and lay it upon their Enemyes.
6. Since this last instruction may prove the hardest part of
your negotiation, and that the Northerne Indians may perhaps
be unwilling to condescend to it from some injuryes done by
Our neighbours to them unknowne to us, you are (in case
they stick much at that Article) to enquire of the true causes
of their quarrell, and to make the Cinnigoes and other Indians
Satisfaction in the name of the Pascattaways, though Wee Our
Selves be at the Charge of it, so to setle Our Owne Peace,
nothing being so prejudiciall to us as a Warr, nothing more
to the decreaseing of his Maties Customes then such distruc-
tions as take the people from planting.
7 ffor the Rest of the Articles of the Peace they must be
left most to your Owne discretion depending upon the infor-
mation you shall receive in yr voyage of the State of Affairs.
If you find they aime at a Trade with us you must informe
your selfe of what Articles are made by Coll Andross and by
them fitt Others for Our Turne & way of tradeing. if no
trade be aimed at there will be little more to incert but the
common termes of inviolable peace & amity between them
the Lord Proprietary of this Province and all his Maties Sub-
jects in these parts aswell in Virginia, as in Maryland, for if
Wee include not them Wee shall Suffer as much in their
passage through Our Country as in Our Reputation for have-
ing abandoned Our Brethren and fellow Subjects.
8. You are to informe yr Selfe what presents are usually
made by the Governour of New Yorke to the Indians in like
Occasions, and to make the like in the name of his Lordshipp,
as also to make a present of One hundred pounds Sterling to
the Governour of New Yorke as a token of his Lopps thankful-
nesse for his care and Kindnesse Shewne to this Province.
p. 122
9. You are to apply yr selfe to Mr Jacob Leslier or any
other for such monyes, Wampom, ffurrs or Truck you shall
stand in need off which shall be paid him by the publick next