ware in Order to your goeing into Albany there to treate with
the Cinnigo Indians, and at yr arrivall at New Castle to Sig-
nifie to the Deputy Governour there for the time being in
generall termes that you are sent to Colonell Andross by his
meanes to come to a treaty with the Cinnigo Indians att ffort
Albany or else where as Oppurtunity shall Offer, And you are
there to endeavour to informe yr Selfe from Capt Collier &
others of the true State of the Susquesahannoughs, what num-
ber they are, upon what termes they are received by the Cin-
nigoes, whether there be not any of them that are not Sub-
mitted to the Cinnigoes, if any such be under whose protec-
tion they live, and how they may be treated withall, in Order
to the Setleing an universall peace betwixt us, the Susquesa-
hannoughs, Cinnigoes and the rest of the Indians to the
Northward as also betweene the said Indians and all the Low-
land Indians in League & amity with us.
2. In case any of the Cinnigoes Troopes be neere New
Castle at your being there, you are to endeavour to speake
with them, and to lett them know that you are upon your
voyage to Albany to treate with their Rulers there of a firme
peace, and to obteine if possible a cessation of Armes at least
if you cann betweene them and all his Maties Subjects in these
parts, and for all Indians in these parts now in Amity with
his said Maties Subjects.
3. You are next to apply your Selfe to the Governour of
New Yorke and rendering him thanks for the Civilityes he
hath shewne to this his Lopps Govermt to desire him to assist
you in procureing a treaty for you with the said Cinnigo
Indians, and the Susquehannoughs if yett there be such a
4. When you shall come to a treaty with the Cinnigos you
are to lett them know that Wee had no knowledge of them
but by the Susquesahannoughs reports, that they from time to
time told us that the injuryes we received in Our goods and
the murthers of Our people were all perpetrated by the Cin-
nigoes, That Wee afterwards found Out that those very
murthers which the Susquehannoughs fathered upon the Cin-
nigoes were comitted by the Susquesahanoughs themselves,
and that that was the reall cause of the Warr between us,
And the injury to us was the greater because the Susquesahan-
noughs by the Articles of Peace between us were Obliged to
Lib. R. R.