14 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1675.
Lib. R. R.
tion all lawes and Acts already made, and to which wee have
given our assent touching and Relating in any measure to
any Trading dealing Traffique or Trucking with any manner
of Indians whatsoever, and strictly and severely to observe
and Execute the same and to cause and procure the same to
be strictly and severely observed and Executed and also
Carefully & Dilligently to observe and Examine where and
in what pticulers the said Lawes or any of them are Defective,
and to Certify us your opinions and Judgemts in relacon to
the same with your opinions how the same may be amended
altered and corrected.
Item that you and Every of you in your Respective places
and according to your Respective powers doe pforme and
Execute and cause to be done pformed and Executed speedy
and Equall Justice and Right to all manner of psons and
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pticulerly to all Marchants and Seamen their ffactors and
Agents, and to all of any the neighbouring places Colonyes
Provinces and plantations whatsoever, in all thinges and
pticulerly in all cases which Concerne or shall Relate unto
Runnaway Servants or slaves.
Item that you be carefull to prvent and rectify and to cause
and procure to be prvented and Rectefyed, the Conlon vulgar
and usuall Error and Errors in bills of Lading and other
papers and writings of Marchants and Seamen touching the
Tobacco of the growth of our said Province namely that all
such Tobacco be in all such bills papers and writings called
and written by the name of Maryland Tobacco, and that it
may publiquely passe, and be called and knowne by the name
of Maryland Tobacco and not by the name of Virginia
Tobacco, or Bay Tobacco or by any other name or names
Item that you consider upon a way how wee may be
secured of the Loyalty and fidelity of such psons as by Reason
of their dissatisfaction touching the lawfullness of taking of
oathes Cannot be prevayled with, to take the oath of ffidelity
By requiring such psons to give Security to performe the
substance of the said oath of ffidelity by becoming bound for
Each other, And that you doe with as much speed as the
Circumstances of affayres will allow and Admit of put the
same in Execution by taking or causeing such securityes to
be taken.
Item that you and Every of you in your Respective places
and according to your respective powers doe use all possible
meanes for the speedy Rayseing Collecting and Leavyeing of
our Rents and Dues, and of all the Areares and Arereages
thereof and for the future strict and Carefull leavyeing and
Collecting of all & all manner of Port Dutyes, and in pticuler