Att a Council held at St Maries April 19th 1677
Present the
Deputy Governour Coll Henry Coursey
Chancellour Coll Thomas Taillor
Secretary Major Benja Rozer
Surveyr Generall
Upon the petition of Chotike that his ffamily is in much
want of Corne Ordered that he have three barrells of Corne
from the Deputy Governour & that he be paid for it Out of
the publique.
Att a Councell held at Mattapony Sewall the thirtith day of
April 1677.
Present the
Deputy Governour Coll Henry Coursey
Chancellour Major Benjn Rozer
Surveyr Genll
Was then taken into consideration the way and manner of
treateing with the Susquehanough Cinnigo & the rest of the
Northern Indians & of concluding a peace with them.
It was Unanimously concluded on that Coll Henry Coursey
one of the Council should be employed as Embassador or
Envoy to be sent to New Yorke by the way of New-Castle