144 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678.
Lib. R.
End to send yr warrants to the Press Mastrs or others to press
such Armes Ammunition & provisions as yu in your discretion
upon conference with yor Councell or without shall judge
11: In case you come to a treaty wth the Emperor of Nanti-
coke, you must Article wth him and his great men that Pocatap
shall not kill or otherwise injure the English, and that they
either deliver up the Southern Indians that came wth Pocatap,
or force them immediately to depart this Province.
p. 24
12: You must press the Delivery of Indians accord-
ing to former Articles those Enemies, and lately have-
ing attempted to kill an English man John Harris,
but you are not soe to insist upon it as to make a war if it be
denyed pvided Krawacom be delivered, & the other two
Murdrrs if to be found.
13: Whereas Severall Accidents may happen wherein those
psons appointed to be of Councell to yu may possibly not be
ready to attend yu you are then in such Cases to pceed with-
out yr sd Councell according to the best of yor Judgemt and
Discretion either for concludeing a Peace or prosecuting a
Warr as you shall see occasion according to the Tenor of the
fforegoing Articles.
14: You are at yor Arrivall at Chicacone the place of Ren-
dezvous to muster all yor fforces, and cause yor Secry to keepe
an Exact Muster Roll of all such as already are or from time
to time hereafter shall be raised and sent over to yu for this
present Expedition together wth the exact time when they first
Entred into the Service, & how long they continued therein,
as also an Exact Accot of the Death of any of yor Souldiers,
with their names, to what Company belonging, & the time of
their death, all wch yor Secry must truly Record in the Journall
of yor pceedings, wch at the Expiration of this Expedicon you
are to cause fairly to be transcribed and rendred to me, and
an Exact Accot of all such Provisions and other necessarys as
yu shall press there or shall be here prest and sent over to
you for yor Supplyes, You must ordr yor Secry likewise to
15: What Armes or Ammunition belonging to his Ldpp:
and delivered out amongst yor Souldiers shall at the breake-
ing up of this Expedicon be left remaineing, not broke or lost
in Service, You are to take due care that the same may be
brought to Mattapony and there Delivered to Mr Nicholas
Sewall who is Constituted and Empowered to receive the
same and take an Accot thereof.
Given at Mattapony undr my hand and Seal this Sixteenth
Day of March in the third yeare of the Dominion of the Rt
Honble Charles &c over this Province Annoq Domini 1677 :
Thomas Notley.
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