Lib. R
p. 22
[Commission to Col. William Burges.]
I Doe hereby will Wm Burges to observe pforme
Execute respective ordrs Instructions Direc-
tions and hereafter mentioned in such manner and
forme as the same are hereby ordred and directed to be
observed, pformed and Executed that is to say.
First. You are to take undr yor Command the pty raised
for yor Guard out of St Maries, Calvert & Charles Counties, &
with them to saile directly for the mouth of Nanticoke River,
and from thence or as yu pass by the mouth of Wiccocomico
River to send the Ordr directed by me to Coll Wm Colebourne
that he may meete yu at the genll Rendezvous at Chicacone in
Nanticok River, being the place where the Emperor now doth
or lately did reside, and then takeing in a Pilott you are to
saile directly to the sd Towne of Chicacone, where the rest of
the fforces from Dorchester, Talbott Kent and Caecill Coun-
ties are ordred to Rendezvous :
2: At the arrivall of the sd fforces you are to cause them to
be mustered, and to take a view of their Armes, and an Accot
of their pvisions that the unarmed may be provided & the
Camp supplyed wth Provisions, sending out then Immediate
ordrs to Somersett & Dorchester Counties to supply yor
present wants, and to the remoter Counties for a continuance
of those Supplies.
3: You are by all Convenient waies and meanes to labour
to possess the minds of Hatsawapp, Ababco & Teinguassino
the Kings in Choptank, as also Amonugus the Emperor of
Assateague that we meane them noe harme at all, & that we
designe noe harme to Unnacokassimon himself nor his People,
provided he will deliver up Krawacom, and the two other
Indians (whose names we know not) who murdered David
Williams and the rest of the English in his house, & you are
to Labour to make them undrstand, that in Case of murdr we
doe Expect those that actually did the Deed, not a like numb:
to the murdred unless there were prsent aideing assisting &
abetting as many murdrs as there were murdred.