of the Councell of this Province I doe hereby forbidd as well
all Inhabitants of this province as all other persons resideing
traffickeing or any wayes tradeing in or through this Province
to assist any of the said Rebells or to buy sell, trafficke trade
Comerce or exchange with them or any other person inhab-
iteing in Virginia for any Armes Amunition meate, drinke
Corne meale or any merchandize whatsoever either directly or
indirectly till the said Rebells shall be vanquished or other-
wise reduced to their due Obedience to his said Matie under
paine of being proceeded against as Aiders Assisters and
Abettors of those that have actually Levyed Warr in Virginia
against Our Soveraigne Lord the King & his established
Goverment there. Given at St Maries under the great Seale
of this Province this twelfth day of December 1676 in the
second yeare of his Lopps Dominion over the same.
By the Deputy Leivtenant.
Takeing into serious Consideration the late horrid Rebel-
lion against his most Sacred Majestyes Government in Vir-
ginia under the Right Honble Sr Wm Berkeley and the mis-
cheivous consequences thereof, and likewise foreseing that
divers of the late Rebells there may endeavour to fly into this
Province so to escape the punishment due to their great
crimes in that his Maties Colony perpetrated and committed.
To the end therefore that all due respect may be showne to
his most Sacred Maties Lawes, and that all Rebells may know no
part of his Maties Dominions affords Shelter to Criminalls &
Offenders, I doe hereby with the Advice and consent of the
Councell of this Province of Maryland strictly forbid all per-
sons inhabiteing resideing traffickeing or tradeing in or
through this Province the comforting aideing assisting or con-
cealeing any of the persons whatsoever that have beene any
wayes guilty of the late Rebellion in Virginia, or have bin any
wayes aideing assisting or abetting the said Rebells or Rebel-
lion in that Colony under paine of being proceeded against
with the utmost severity of the Lawes of his most Sacred
Maties Kingdome of England in such cases made and pro-
vided. And for the surer prvencon of all concealements of
the Rebells aforesaid their Aiders Assisters and Abettors I
doe hereby strictly charge & comand all persons whatsoever
inhabiteing resideing traffickeing or tradeing in or through
this Province That they apprehend all suspected persons that
shall come into this Province, and them bring before me, or
some One of his Lopps Councell of this Province, or at least
before some justice of the peace of this Province, that they
Lib. R. R.
p. 110