day of ffebruary in the foure & thirtieth yeare of our Do-
minion over our said Province, and in the yeare of our Lord
God, according to the account now used in England, One
Thowsand six hundred Sixty and five.
Instructions orders and authorityes to be observed and
Executed by our most deare sonne Charles Calvert Esqr our
Leivetenant and Cheif Governor, and by our Councell of our
Province of Maryland
Cecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces
of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltamore &c To our
most Deare Sonne Charles Calvert Esqr our Leivetennant,
and to our Deare Brother Philip Calvert Esqr our Chancelour,
and to our Trusty and welbeloved Richard Boughton Esqr our
Principall Secretary, and to the rest of our Councill of our
said Province Greeting, Wee doe hereby will require appointe
and authorise you our said Leivetennant and you our said
Councill of our said Province of Maryland from time to time
to observe pforme and execute our severall and respective
orders Instruccons Directions and authorityes hereafter men-
tioned in such manner and forme as the same are hereby
ordered and directed to be observed pformed and Executed
(that is to say)
ffirst wee will and require you and Every of you that you doe
most strictly and Carefully observe keepe and Execute and
Cause to be observed kept and executed one certeine Act of
Assembly made in the nineteenth yeare of our Dominion
Entituled an Act Concerning Religion, and Every clause
Article and thing therein Conteined.
Item that you and Every of you in your respective places
and according to your Respective powers doe your utmost for
the prventing and suppressing of all and all manner of Riots
and seditions and Rebellions, Riotous seditious and Rebellious
assemblyes and meetings within our said Province and Do-
minions, Tending to the Disturbance of our peace and Gov-
ernmt or of the peace of our said Province.
Item That you and Every of you in your respective places,
and according to your Respective powers take care to prevent
the sale or Delivery of any manner of Gunns muskets
Carbines Pistolls fowling peices, Swords weapons, Gunn
powder Shot Bullets or other Amunition whatsoever to any
manner of Indian or Indians whatsoever, and strictly and
severely to put in Execution or cause to be put in Execution
all manner lawes Acts and Ordinances for prvention of the
Item that you take into your strict and Serious Considera-
Lib. R. R.