116 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678.
Lib. R. R.
yeare of his said Lopps Dominion &c Annoq Dom 1676 afore-
said aswell for his Lopps conservation as for the conservation of
the peace and tranquility of the said Province and to the end
that Justice & Equity might be duly & impartially administred
to all and every person and persons Bodies politique and
Corporate of and within the said Province of Maryland Did
also Constitute assigne and appoint me the said Jesse Wharton
to be Cheife justice of his Lopps Provinciall Court of the said
Province dureing his Lopps pleasure aswell for the holding of
all pleas touching or relateing unto the conservation of his
Lopp and the conservacon of the Peace of the said Province, as
for the holding of pleas, touching his Lopps rights and Reve-
nues and of Comon pleas, and likewise for the determining
of all matters of Equity for which any releife is or shall be or
may be justly or reasonably desired in the said Court. And
whereas also his said Lopp Charles Lord Baltemore did by the
said last recited Comission constitute assigne and appoint his
deare Unckle and Councellour Philip Calvert Esqr his Lopps
Chancellour of the said Province, his deare Couzin and Coun-
cellour Wm Calvert Esqr his Principall Secretary of the said
Province his deare Cousin Baker Brooke Esqr his Councellour
& Surveyr Generall of the said Province, his trusty and welbe-
loved Henry Coursey Esqr his trusty and welbeloved Coun-
cellour Samuel Chew Esqr His trusty and welbeloved Coun-
cellour Thomas Taillour Esqr to be justices of his Lopps said
Court for the holding the pleas aforesaid and for the deter-
mining of matters of Equity aforesaid Willing and by those
presents assigning constituteing and appointing that the said
Cheife Justice and the said Justices or any foure or more of
them (of which I the said Jesse Wharton and the said Chan-
cellour and Secretary to be one) shall be a Sufficient Court
for the determineing the pleas and matters of Equity aforesaid
As by the said last recited Comission more at large may like-
wise appeare. And whereas likewise his said Lopp Charles
Lord Baltemore did by his Instrument in writeing or writeing
of Instructions and Orders under his hand and under the
great Seale of the said Province beareing date the said six-
tenth day of June aforesaid intituled Instructions Orders and
authorityes to be observed and executed by Our Deputy Leiv-
tenant Collonel Jesse Wharton dureing Our absence out of
Our Province of Maryland, and to me the said Jesse Wharton
directed, His said Lopp thereby did will require appoint and
p. 92
authorize me to Observe performe and execute the Instruc-
tions directions and authorityes hereafter mentioned in such
manner and forme as the same were thereby Ordered &
directed to be observed performed and executed that is to say
ffirst That in case it should happen I should find my Selfe