106 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678.
Lib. R. R.
Presents To have hold Occupy enjoy and exercise the said
Office of Leivtenant Generall Cheife Captaine and Cheife
Admirall Cheife Governour and Cheife Comander as afore-
said with the appurtenences unto Our said Deare Sonn Cecill
Calvert by his Deputy in Our absence by us to be appointed.
p. 82
And wee doe likewise give and grant unto Our said Deare
Sonn, full power and authority dureing the time of his have-
ing holding and enjoyeing the said Office before mentioned
by his Deputy and Officers by us to be appointed to Levy
muster and trayne all Sorts of men of what Condition, or
wheresoever borne in Our said province & Dominions for the
time being remaineing. And in case of Insurrections assaults
or approaching of any Enemy or Enemyes pirate or pirates or
other Robbers to make Warr, and to pursue such Enemy or
Enemyes pirates or Robbers as well by Sea as Land and to
vanquish and take them, and being so taken to putt them to
death by the Law of Warr or to Save them at his pleasure.
And by his Deputy by us to be appointed to doe all & every
thing which unto the Charge and Office of a Captaine Gen-
erall of an Army or Admirall of a ffleet belongeth. And like-
wise in case of any Rebellion, Tumult, or Sedition, either upon
the Land within Our said Province and Dominions or upon
the Seas to exercise Martiall Lawes against all rebellious
mutinous or Seditious psons who shall refuse to Submitt
themselves to Our Goverment or to serve in the Warrs, or
shall fly to the Enemy or forsake their Ensignes or be Loyter-
ers or straglers or otherwise howsoever offending against the
Law Custome or Discipline Military as freely and in as ample
manner and forme as any Captaine Generall of an Army or
Admirall of a Navy by virtue of his Office might or hath
accustomed to use the same. And further Wee doe give and
grant unto Our said Deare Sonn full power and authority
dureing the time of his exercise of the said Office by his
Deputy by us to be appointed as aforesaid for us and in Our
name and as often as his said Deputy shall thinke fitting from
time to time to pardon remitt or release whether before judg-
ment or after all and all manner of Criminall Offences against
the Lawes of Our said Province and Dominions or any of
them and also all and all manner of paines penalties & for-
feitures incurred or to be incurred by any person or persons
Bodies politique or Corporate within Our said province and
Dominions or any of them for or by reason of any Crime or
Crimes Offence or Offences comitted or to be comitted against
any of the Lawes Ordinances or Orders of Our said Province
heretofore made or hereafter to be made whatsoever or how-
soever as fully and amply to all intents constructions and pur-
poses as Wee Our Selfe may doe being personally prsent in