Maryland Ss. At a Councell held at Popes ffreehold upon tues-
day the first day of August in the first yeare of his Lopps
Dominion &c Annoq Dom. 1676.
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellour
The Honble Wm Calvert Esqr Principall Secry Councellors
Baker Brooke Esqr Surveyr Genll
Thomas Notley Gent.
Jno Blomfeild C1 Consil.
Then were his Lopps instructions to Coll Jesse Wharton late
Deputy Leivt & Deputy Governour of this Province deceased
read & Ordered that the same together with his Lopps Comis-
sion to the said Coll Wharton of Deputy Leivtenant & Deputy
Govrnour Comission for the Councell, Comission for the
Cheife justice & justices & Mr Thomas Notley his Comission
from the said Coll Wharton pursuant to the said Instructions
be recorded and delivered to the said Mr Thomas Notley
The tenor of which said Comissions & instructions follow
in these words viz.
Ch: Baltemore
Charles Absolute Lord and proprietary of the provinces of
Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c To all the
Inhabitants and people of Maryland and all others to whom
these presents shall come or any wayes concerne Greeting
Whereas Our present affairs doe require Our leaveing this
Our province for some months and that dureing Our absence
out of Our said province Wee have thought fitt & requisite
the Cheife Comand should be in Our deare Sonn Cecill
Calvert Esqr Know yee therefore that wee have given granted
and by these presents doe give and grant unto Our said
Deare Sonn the Office of Leivtenant Generall Cheife Captaine
Cheife Governour and Comander and cheife Admirall both
by Sea & Land of Our Province of Maryland. And of all
Our Islands Territories and Dominions whatsoever And of all
& Singular Our Castles fforts ffortresses, ffortifications muni-
tions Shippes and Navyes in Our said Province, Islands Terri-
tories and Dominions aforesaid And him the said Cecill
Calvert Wee doe make Ordaine and constitute Leivtenant
Generall Cheife Captaine and Cheife Admirall both by Sea
and Land Cheife Governour and Comander of Our said prov-
ince, Islands Territories and Dominions and of all the Castles
fforts Navyes Shipps places and things aforesaid by these