10 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1675.
Lib. R. R.
as you shall thinke fit and that from time to time and at all
times hereafter so often as you shall thinke it necessary to call
p. 6
or sumon any Generall Assembly you doe likewise summon
and call all our privy Councellors to sit in the upp. house of
such Assembly together with such psons not Exceeding the
number of Seaven ffreemen of our said Province, the said
psons so to be called and sumoned to be Lords of Mannor
if you shall finde any such to be fitting to sit in or sd upper
house of Assembly together with our said privy Councellor as
in your Discretion you shall thinke fit. Neverthelesse the
persons so to be by you at any time sumoned are not to sit in
the said house before they shall have taken the oath of fidelity
to be Administred by or Chancelour or any Two of our
Councellors by your appointmt
Item that to all such bills Lawes or Acts as you shall here-
after receive from us undr our Seale to be offered and
proposed to any Assembly of our said Province hereafter to
be called or sumoned you doe at all times give our publique
assent and Cause the same to be published under our said
Seale of our said Province in case such Assembly shall assent
unto and approve of the same.
Item that from Henceforth you forbeare to sit in Either
house of any Assembly as a member of the same but that so
often as you sit in the upper house, of any such Assembly you
shall take place as our Lt Generall and as representing us in
our absence.
Item as touching such Acts as any late Assembly have
passed or framed contrary to Justice Right Equity or Reason,
the particulars of which you shall Receive herewith under our
hand and Seale you doe publiquely before and in the prsence
of both the howses of the next Assembly to be by you called
and sumoned declare our Dissassent and disagreemt to the
same and leave it to our said Secretary to give the Reason of
such our dissassent and dissagreemt wee having fully im-
parted the same unto him.
Item that in case you shall happen to finde yourself sick or
in danger at any time of Death you take care by your last
will or other Instrument to appointe some fitting pson or
persons of our privy Councell to succeed you in the office
and offices of Govermt of and in our said Province, untill wee
shall appointe and authorise some other pson to Exercise &
Execute the said Offices, And wee doe hereby allow of authorise
and apointe such pson or psons as you shall so appointe as
aforesayd to Exercise and Execute all and Every the said
Office and Offices powers and authorityes whatsoever after
your Death, untill wee shall nominate and appointe some other
person or psons to Exercise and Execute the same.