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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 99

in future Assemblyes for my doeing this (as I have said afore)
is Onely to put a Speedy end to this meeting, which my Other
affaires fforcess mee too.
ffirst: As to the Alteraccon desired to be made in the Act
Toutching Judicature It is not safe to have Justice Adminis-
tred, According to the Lawes of England where the lawes of
this province Are silent, without due regard had by the Gov-
ernor or Cheife Judge and the Justices in Court to the Con-
sistency of such Lawes of England, to the Constitution and
prsent Condiccon of this province, It seeming to me vnreason-


able, That since his Majesty of ever blessed memory, out of
the fullness of his Royall power, was Graciously pleased to
permitt mee with the Consent of the freemen to make such
wholsesome Lawes as should be Consonant to reasone and
not repugnant to the Lawes of England, I should by an Act
Oblige and tye vp the freemen of this province to be Con-
cluded by such of the Lawes of England, as may Ruin them
or att least be greatly Injurious to them In severall respects, I
am therefore willing to Admitt of this Alteraccon, That where
the Lawes of this pvince are silent Justice may be Admistred,
According to the Lawes of England If the governr or Cheife
Judge and the Justices of my Court, shall find [such] Lawes
Consistent with the Condiccon of this province; To a bill wth
this Alteraccon I will sett my hand, but not Otherwise.
Secondly: The Alterations desired in the bill, for punnish-
ing Certaine Offences against the peace and safety of this
province, I doe Except agt being willing to Allow of this

amendment Onely, 1 hat where it is left to the Court to Order
One or more of the punnishments, Ennumerated in the Old
Act for punnishing etc that the Court shall be restreyned to
One or two of the sayd Punnishments in the sayd Act: With
this amendment and noe Other Alteraccon, I shall be Con-
tented, and will sett my hand to a bill to be drawne for That
purpose Onely, and not Otherwise.
Thirdly: To a bill Toutching leavying of warr & defraying
the publique Charges of the province; Sent vp to you from
the Lower house, I Conceive it time lost for you to meddle
with it, for the Old Act is at this time suspended And will be
soe perhaps Dureing my life, Soe that neither the Gentlemen
of the Lower house nor your selves, need be fearfull or
Jealouse of me in the Execution of that Act, But were it not
suspended, and -that I should vpon any warr that might hap-
pen, have Occasion to make vsse of it, I Doe here declare
that as I have had, soe I still shall have A desire that a
Assembly may be Called, To be present at the defraying the
Charge of any such warr, soe desirous I am of giveing all
manner of sattisfaccon in that particular to the freemen of my

p. 42

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 99   View pdf image (33K)
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