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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 100   View pdf image (33K)
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100 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


Uppr house Aprill the 23th 1684

This house haveing this morning reed, a paper from his
Lopp have Caused the same to be Coppyed out as before, and
Communicate the same To the Lower House.
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Mr Scry Sewall & Esqr Pye, bring from the vpper house a
message, wch being read is as followeth, (vizt)

Upper house of Assembly Aprill the 23th 1684

His L sps

His Lsp being present in this house since the receit
of the last message by Capta Hill & Mr Hutchings,
was pleased to declare as followeth (Vizt)

p. 43

To the bill for Ascertayning the true force and validity of
the Lawes of this province, I give this Answere, that though I
owne my promise & Engagement to both my houses, of
Assembly, made in September 1681 (Vizt) That in my absence
out of this province, I would signify my assent or disassent to
any of the Lawes within Eighteen months, yet Doe I not
think it Convenient to Obleige my heires and successors by an
Act to those Inconveniencyes & mischeifes, That may happen
by their Assenting or disassenting to Any Lawes within
Twenty months That shall bee made perpetuall Dureing such
their Absence.
The bill sent you by the Lower house, for the makeing tem-
porary that law Toutching Woolves, If it be not deemed a
good law let it be Repealed for soe it must be afore it Can be
reduced to its first state. And for any of those Other Acts
made perpetuall in 1676: Vizt) The Act for Two shillings per
hhd And the Act for Impowering the Governor & Councill, to
make warr or peace &ca I am ready to give both houses such
satisfaccon, as in reason They cann desire At my hands.
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl &c.

The last
Two messages
Vote therevpon

All the Committees sent for to repaire to the
house, who being Come the Two last messages
were Read in a full House, And after a long and
Serious Debate vpon the same,

The Question was Putt whether this house shall proceed
further vpon the Address to his Lopp Toutching the Lawes
Yea or Nay.

Voted in the Negative.

The house Adjourne Till To morrow morning seven a


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 100   View pdf image (33K)
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