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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
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98 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.

p. 41

And as to the bill for punnishment of Certayne offences &c
This house doe agree that the maine end and designe of both
houses in the grand Comtee was to take Off the severity of
Inflicting many and severall punnishments for One Offence
and still hope that the bill Humbly Offered by this house to
the vpper house will answere that end being perswaded -that
there is noe Alteraccon between the Act now offered and the
former, but in that particular, And were this house sencible of
any materiall deviation from what was agreed on they would
very readily Amend.
As to the Act for killing of woolves, This house Caused
that bill to be drawn & past this house, pursuant to the
Agreemt of the Grand Committee of both houses.
Which paper being Read, Ordered that the same be Tran-
scribed [and signed by the] Clerke of this house, which being
done, the same was sent to the vpper house by Capt Hill and
Mr Hutchings;
The messengers returne and say they have delivered the

The supple-
mentary act
read the 2d

The bill
the Burggesse
to press &c
read the 2d

Then was read a bill Entitled An Aditionall and
supplementary Act to the Act for Advancement of
Trade and past to Ingrossment.
Then was read an Act Impowering the Bur-
gesses to press Boats men &c The second time,
by speciall Order of the house, and reffered to
ffurther debate.
Then Came Coll Taylor and Coll Stevens from

the vppr house and prsents the ffol paper wch being read
Imports as followeth

Gentlemen of the vpper house of Assembly

His Lopps
to the vpper

I have Thought fitt to signify to you by this, tht
haveing seen in yor house some bills lately sent you
by the Lower house, in wch there are some alteraccons
desired by the lower house to be made, in some of

the Auncient perpetuall Lawes of this province, I must for the
quicker dispatch of the business of this Assembly (I haveing
but few dayes more to spend with both houses) Declare that
many of those Alteraccons, Inserted in the sayd bills, are such
as I shall not be willing to Allow off; And because I would
have noe bills presented vnto me by this Assembly, the Day
of the sessions, But such as I may safely & be willing to sett
my hand unto, I Doe now declare whatt alteraccons I will
Allowe of, and to wch I will be ready to sett my hand, when
the bills are presented, Desireing that what I now declare by
this may not be drawn Into Example, and become presidentiall


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 98   View pdf image (33K)
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