Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 97
[Then Came] Mr Clemment Hill from the Commtee of
Accots And desires to have a Coppy of [the] Rates and prizes
of liquors settled by this meeting- of Assembly.
George Robins
pet. Allowed
1200lb Tobacco.
wch is Given to him he alsoe desires the Opin-
ion of this house Concerning A peticcon of
George Robbins, who prayes Allowance for a
boat and hands and himselfe vpon a publique message to his
Voted he be Allowed 1200 pounds of Tobacco,
James Ben-
sones pett
1000lb Tob:
Hee alsoe prayes the Opinion of this house Con-
cerning a peticcon of James Bensone, who prayes
Allowance for Cureing an Indian by Ordr of Coll
Voted he be Allowed One Thousand pounds of Tobacco.
Wch being Endeorsed vpon the peticcons he returnes.
Then Came MrAttourney Genrll & Mr Rousby & prsent the
foll paper (vizt)
A message
Low house of Assembly Aprll the 23th 1684
In Answere to the message yesterday brought by
Coll Burgess & Majr Sewall Concerning severall
bills sent by this house for their Assent.
As to the bill Ascertayning the true force and
Validity of the Lawes of this pvince wherein the vppr house
were pleased to say, they could not in reasone ppose less
time, then Three yeares for his Lop. to Consider of his appro-
bation or disassent To such perpetuall Lawes as should be
presented to his Lopp:
This house is not a little surprized therein in regard the bill
Tendered by this house for the Assent of the Vppr house, is
but a meer Transcript of the like bill sent from the vpper
house for this houses Assent, Thereto: To wch this house had
noe reasone to doubt of the vpper houses readyness to pass
the same Especially for that the sayd vpper house of
Assembly, by a message [of] the 17th of September 1681:
were pleased to acquaint this house, that his Lopp Com-
manded the vpper house To signify to this house That his
Lop did pmise and Ingage that in his absence out of this
province, wthin Eighteen months after the passing of any
Lawes of this province, by the Vppr & Lowr houses of
Assembly, his Lop would signify his Assent or dissassent
Therevnto In Confidence whereof this house was Induced,
freely to Offer the said Bill, for the Vnquestionable Assent of
the vppr house, since more time in the sd bill was offered for
his Lops Assent or dissassent then in the sayd message was
Intimated to be his Lopps pleasure.