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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 96   View pdf image (33K)
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96 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.



The same
by the Lower

)wer house of Assembly Aprill the 22th 1684.
This house have appoynted Capt Smith, Mr
Clemt Hill, and Mr James ffrizby to Joyne in Com-
mittee with the honoble Coll William Diggs & Coll

Burges, by the Vpper house Appoynted, to settle, state, and
Inspect the publique Accots of This province, and shall be
readie to meet at seven a Clock to morrow morning as

Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl of the Lower house &c.

wch message being read and signd was sent to the Vpper
house by majr Long and Mr francis Hutchings.

Upon Consideraccon of The message this day sent from
the vppr house by Coll Stevens, was Drawne the following,
Answere theretoo.

Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 22th 1684

to the message
desireing Ex-
of busines.

All bills which have been assented to by this
house are already Transmitted to the vpper house.
There being Other bills which have had their first
reading in this house and soe soone as perfected

shall bee presented to the Upper house for their Assent:

Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl of the lowr house &c

Which message being read and signed was sent to the vppr
house by Capt Orsborne and Mr ffrisby.

Order for
A message
to be drawne.

Ordered Thatt Mr Attourney Generall and Mr
John Rousbye drawe vpp a message in Answere to
the message of the vppr house This Day sent, by

Coll William Burgess and Mr Secry Sewall with The Six bills
and prsent the same to this house by seven a Clock To mor-
row morning
The House Adjourne Till To morrow morning Seven a

p. 40

Wedensday Aprill the 2 3th 1684

The house mett and Called all prsent as Yesterday
Then was read what was done yesterday
Then Capt Orsborne Gave Account to the house, tht The
vppr house was Adjournd soe tht he could not deliver the
message sent by him and Mr ffrizby last Night: ,
Ordered that the sd Capt Orsborne & Mr Green goe againe
wth the same.
They returne and say they have delivered it.

A bill
the Burgesses
to press boat
and hands &c:

Then was read a bill Entitled An Act Impower-
ing the Burgesses to press men Boates &c. for
their more Speed & Convenient Coming to ffuture


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 96   View pdf image (33K)
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