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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 95   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 95

offences &ca This house doe say tht the Act made, Ano 1649
& 50: is sufficiently & well enough exprest and doe Conceive
tht the maine end and designe of both houses in the grand
Committee, in the amendment of the same, was onely to Take
off the severity of the punnishmt of delinquents therein pre-
scribed, Leaving to the discretion of the Justices, to Inflict
any One or more of the severall punnishments therein numer-
ated, wch this house is willing [may] be Moderated by award-
ing one of the sayd punnishments & noe more At one time, to
be Inflicted vpon any delinquent att the discretion of the sayd
Justices and as the Demirritts of the cause shall require, And
desire the Lowr house will provide accordingly by a Supple-
mentary Act to pass this Sessions.
And herevnto desire the Concurrence of the Lower house.
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl: of Assembly

The sayd messengers alsoe bring into this house, the 3 bills
in the above message mentioned not Assented too by the vppr
Coll Stevens brings a message from the Vppr house wch
being read: follow

Upper house of Assembly Aprill the 22th 1684.


A message
giveing notice
that his
Lopp will
meet both
his houses
to morrow.

The Lower house is Desired to Expedite to this
house whatt bills & Other Business, they have
before them this Night, His Lop: now in the vppr
house haveing Signifyed to this house his resolu-
tion of meeting both houses tomorrow morning to
discourse with them fully his sentiments vpon the

p. 39

severall bills prepared in Order to put a speedy end to this

Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

The Supple-
Act, read
the first

The Committee for drawing the supplementary
Act Come into the house & prsent A bill Entitled
A supplementary Act to the Act for Advancement
of Trade which was read the ffirst time.

Coll Diggs brings a message from the vpper house wch
being read is as follows.

A commtee
of Accounts
by the vppr

Uppr house Aprill 22th 1684:
The Honoble Coll William Diggs & Coll William
Burgess nominated & appoynted by this house to
joyne in Committee wthsome of the members of the
Lower house to Inspect and state the oubliaue

Accots to morrow morning Seven a Clock.

Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly.

In Answere wherevnto was Drawne the following message.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 95   View pdf image (33K)
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