94 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.
Cannot [Assent] to the bill sent from the Upper house for
that purpose, In regard th[at B]ill Leaves Two much to dis-
cretion, which was the Inconvenience designed to bee pre-
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl of the Lower House &c.
Capt Orsborne and Mr Green sent to the vpper house wth
the foregoing message. They returne & say they have Deliv-
ered the same.
Coll Burgess & Majr Sewall brings from the vpr house
Three bills (Vizt)
Three bills
Assented too.
An Act for Appoyntmg Court dayes in Each
respective County &c.
p. 38
An Act for recording the Journall of the Lower house &c
An Act agt Excessive vsury: which sayd Three bills were
Severally Assented too by the vpper house In these words
ffollowing (Vizt)
Aprill the 22th 1684: The Uppr house have Assented
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of assembly
The sayd Messengers alsoe bring the following message
A message
in Answere
To the six
Upper House Aprill 22th 1684
Upon reading the severall bills brought to this
house this day by Mr Attor Genll Mr John Rousby
and Doctour Brooke This house have passed
That for Appoyntment of Court dayes in each respective
That for recording the Journall of the Lower house, and
That Agt Excessive Usury
B[ut to the] Other Three bills returne Answere as follow-
eth (vizt)
Concerning the bill Ascertayning the true force and Validity
of the lawes of this province, This house doe say tht Three
yeares time being given for tryall and Experience of the Tem-
porary lawes, wee Cannot in reasone ppose less time to his
Lopp. to Consider of what perpetuall lawes, shall bee prsented
to him, To signify his approbation or disassent thereto, And
wth this Amendmt Onely, this house will pass the said Bill.
As to the bill for killing of wolves, This house doe say thl
the Act for killing of woolves made Anno 1671: Although
Temporary was perpetuated in Anno 1676: & as such ought
to remaine, among the perpetuall lawes vnless the same be
deemed a needless or useless law, and then it ought to bee
repealed before such time as it Cann be Reduced to its former
Temporary Estate.
And as to the Other bill for punnishment of Certayne