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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 93   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 93

2 An Act for Recording the Journall of the Lower house.
3 An Act for Killing of wolves.
4 An Act Appoynting Court dayes in every respective
County &c.
5 An Act Ascertayneing the true force & validity of the
Lawes &c
6: An Act against Excessive vsury.


other bills Then was read an Act Toutching Judicature and
past. proceedings at law The Third time, and past the
house in these words (vizt)
Aprill the 22th 1684: The Lower house have Assented
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl: of the Lowr house &c:

A Bill Entitled An Act Toutching Leavying of warr & defray-
ing the Publique Charges &c was read the Third time, and
past the house in the same words as the former.
Then was drawne the following message (vizt)

Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 22th 1684

p. 37

A message
about a Comtee
of Accompts.

This house haveing by a message of the 14th
Instant desire[d the U]pper house to appoynt
some of their members, to Joyne in Committee

wth some of the members of this house to state the publique
Accots of this pvince wch not being then done for reasones

given by the vpper house in their answere to the sayd mes-
sage This house doe remind the vppr house Thereof And
desire tht some members of the vpper house may be
appoynted to Joyne with some of the members of this house,
to the purpose before desired.

Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl of the lowr house &c.

Capt Smith Doctr Brooke Capt Peirce & Mr ffrizby sent to
the Vppr house wth the the Two foregoeing bills, and the
Last message.

They returne and say they have delivered the same.

Upon Debate of a bill sent from the vppr house to this
house Entitled An Act Toutching Judicature & was drawne
the following message.

Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 22th 1684

the Two bills

This house haveing received from the members
of their house Joyned in Committee wth the Honoble
Coll Stevans and John Darnall Esqr A bill drawne
Toutching Judicature and proceedings at law, wch

this house Conceived was done According to agreement of
the Grand Committee, and therefore past the same for the
vpper houses Assent therevnto, And therefore say they


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 93   View pdf image (33K)
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