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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 90   View pdf image (33K)
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90 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


some Allowance made him as shall be Thought reasonable by
both houses
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Jno Lewel-
lins peticon.

The peticon of John LLewellin for Allowance for
his Attendance at the Ridge the last meeting of

p. 35

Assembly And officiating as Clerke Assistante to Mr Grunwin,
And alsoe for Adjusting the and makeing out the Publique
Leavy Into the severall Countyes of this province, pvt pet:
Upon wch was Endeorsed, as foll (vizt)

Upper house Aprill the 2 Ith 1684
This house thinke fitt that a reasonable Allowance be made
the peticoner as is prayed In the next publique Leavie and
desire therevnto the Concurrence of the Lower house.
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

The peticon of Thomas Casey of Charles County being a
maimed Souldier for Allowance Towards his Meintenance
pvtt pett
Upon which was Endeorsed as fol (vizt)
This house doe thinke the peticoner an Object of Charity,
And that hee ought to bee allowed his yearly pention and
Arreares as is [prayed]
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Vpon debate of Two messages sent this day to this house,
about Townes was drawne the ffollowing message (Vizt)

Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 21th 1684
This house Concurr with the vpper in their Two Votes this
day sent That a Towne be Appoynted at or nere Tipquinn on
the South side of Nantecoak River, As alsoe at the head of
portobacco Creeke, And This house desire to knowe If the
vpper house doe Consent to the severall votes & places agreed
On by this house, and mentioned in a list sent To the vppr
house On Satterday last.
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl of the Lower house &c.

Which being read and signed was sent to the vppr house
by Capt Smith and and Mr Hatton.

to the places
for Townes.

Mr Secry Darnall brings a message from the
vppr house wch being read is as followeth vizt

Upper house Aprill 21th 1684

This house doe Concurr in all poynts wth the Lower house
in their message On Satterday last relateing to Townes,
according to their severall votes therein mentioned

Signd p Ordr C Boteler John LLewellin Cl &c.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 90   View pdf image (33K)
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