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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 91   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 91

The Commit-
tee for pfect-
ing the bills
Present sev-
erall bills
wch were
read the first

Then Came the Committee for perfecting and
Amending the Lawes &c And present to this house
the following bills (vizt)
A Bill Entitled An Act Toutching Judicature &
proceedings [thereon].
A Bill Entitled An Act ffor punnishment of Cer-


tayne Offences against the peace and Safety of this province.

A Bill Entitled An Act prohibitting his Lops Ordnance
Armes &c To be Imbezelled &c.

A Bill Entitled An Act for the Recording the Journall of
the Lowr house.

A Bill Entitled An Act for Killing of wolves.

A Bill Entitle an Act for Appoynting Court dayes in each
respective County.

A Bill Entitled An Act for Takeing the Oath of fidelity &c
The Oath of ffidelity:

Every of wch Bills received its first reading in this house
Towards its passing.

Taneys pe-

Then was read the peticcon of Michaell Taney,
for A Towne in Battle Creeke vpon his land; And

that the same may be soe Layd out as to reserve his houses
thereon built to himselfe: Wherevpon was Endeorsed as fol-


Upper house Aprill the 21th 1684:
In all Cases suitable to the peticoners, This house
are of Opinion & Doe Vote Tha,t a Clause be

Inserted in the supplementary Act, of Trade reserveing to
Every persone his house or houses alreadie built vpon any the
ports or places of Trade in the sayd Act Nominated:

Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

The sayd peticcon refferred to the Consideraccon of A ffull

The house Adjourne till tomorrow morning Eight a Clock:

Tuesday Aprill the 22th 1684

The house mett and Called all present as yesterday.
Then was read what was done yesterday.

Taney pet

The peticcon of Michaell Taney Read Debated
and rejected.

Then was read A Bill Entitled An Act for punnishment of
Certayne offences against the peace and safety of this prov-
nce, The second time and alsoe the Third time by Speciall
Order of the house.
Voted that a Clause of repeale of a former Act of the same

p. 36


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 91   View pdf image (33K)
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