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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 89   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 89

Out againe to meet the members of the vpper house to pro-
ceed to the perfecting what matters lye before them, and to
report the same to this house, wch done this house shall Com-
municate the same and their results therevpon To the vpper
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl of the Lower house &c.

Which being read and signd was sent to the vppr house by
Mr Hutchings & Majr Long: who return and say they have
delivered the same.
Then Came Coll Steevens wth a message wch being read is
as foll (vizt)


A message
about A
Towne at

Upper house Aprill the 21: 1684
Moved by a member of this house in behalfe of
the Inhabitants of Sommersett County, more parti-
cularly of Nantecoke River, That a Towne be

Appoynted at or neer Tipquin on the south side of the sd
River It being a most Convenient Scituation for a towne or
place of Trade, & most frequented by shipping of any River
in the sd County.

Voted necessary and that provision be made accordingly In
the supplementary Act to the Act for Trade

Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Coll Burgess brings a message for the vpper house which
being Read is as ffolloweth.

A message
about a
Towne at

Upper house Aprill 21th 1684
Proposed by a member of this house, That a
Towne be appoyned at the head of Porttobacco
Creeke most Commodious for the Inhabitants of the

p. 34

fforrest in Charles County from whence Comes yearly great
quantityes of Tobacco. Voted necessary & that a towne be
by the supplementary Act to the Act for Trade Appoynted at
the head of Portobacco Creeke nere the Church there.

Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Edward Pye Esqr Comes from the vppr house wth sevr
papers wch being read are as foll (Vizt)

Owen Newens The [peticcon] of Owen Newen of Charles
pett County: for Allowance for Officiating as a Pub-
lique Post: and Conveying Letters, by his Lopps Order;

Vpon wch was Endeorsed as followeth

Upper house Aprill 21th 1684:
The vppr house thinke tht the peticoner ought to have


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 89   View pdf image (33K)
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