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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 86   View pdf image (33K)
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86 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


The petition of the Inhabitants of sommersett County about
linnen and woolen Cloth read and Rejected.

p. 31

Added and
Altered vpon
motion of

Vpon Motion of the Delegates for Caecill County,
A Towne is Ordered to be layd out, Att Meeting
house poynt in Sassafrass river in the sd County.
Vpon motion of the delegates of St Maryes
County Voted that a Towne be sett forth at Brit-

tons Neck in S( Maryes County.

Vpon motion of the Delegate of Dorchester County Voted
that a Towne be appoynted att Daniell Jones's Plantaccon On
the South Side of great Choptanck River.

Vpon motion of the delegates of Ann Arrundell County
Vo[ted that there] bee a towne at west River vpon the Land
late of John Heilin Deceased and the lands Adjacent.

Vpon motion of the Delegates of Calvert County Voted
that there be A Towne at Coxes Creeke on the lands Adja-
cent, Instead of the Towne appoynted In the Act for Trade,
To bee At John Bowlings land.

Voted alsoe that there bee A Towne Appoynted At Pigg
poynt vpon Mount Calvert Mannor In puttuxent River.

Alsoe a Towne Voted to bee, Att Battle Creeke in Puttux-
ent River.

Vpon motion of the Delegate of Baltemore County, Voted
that there bee a Towne Appoynted in Baltemore County Att
Middle River on the lands of Cornwallis or Leakins, or both
at the Discretion of the Commissionrs

The Committee
for the Sup-
Act goe out.

Mr Robert Carvill Mr Clemt Hill and Mr Richard
Hall being Appoynted A Committee for drawing
vp the supplementary Act To the Act for Advance-
ment of Trade, Are Ordered to report to the vpper

house the Addiccons & Alteracons of Townes aforesd & soe to
proceed vpon their Charge.

Then was Ordered the following message

Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 10th 1684

A message
in Answere
to the depo-
sition about
Jacob Young.

Vpon pervsall of the deposition of William
Blanckinsteine sent to this house from the vpper
house, Affirming the Inability of Jacob Young to
Tra[vell] to this Assembly This house doe Concurr

with the vpper house In Addmitting the said deposition in
excuse of the sd Jacob to save him and his baile for Not
Appeareing at this meeting of Assembly

Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl of the Lower &c.

Which being read And signd was sent to the vpper house
by Mr Hatton and Majr Joseph Weekes...
They returne and say they have delivered the same.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 86   View pdf image (33K)
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