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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 87   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 87

The Committees being all out vpon theire Severall busi-
nesses And this house haveing noe Other business then
The House Adjourne Till Munday morning Eight a Clock.

Munday Aprill the 21th 1684:


The house mett and Called all present as On Satterday
Then was read what was done On Satterday
The Committee for drawing vp the Supplementary Act to
the Act for Advancement of Trade goe vpon their Charge.

p. 32

The bill
for Asser-
taining the
lawes read
the first time:

Then was read a bill Entitled An Act Assertayn-
ing the True force and Validity of the Lawes of
this province past and to be past in The Absence
of the Right honoble The Lord and proprietary and

his heires and Successors Lords and Prprys of this province:
The first time.

The [Committee] Come Into the house, And the Com-
mittee for drawing vp the Supplementary Act and Other bills
prsent to the house Three bills Entitled as followeth:

3 bills
into the
house: i: e:
warr &c

agt vsury
and for Rayse-
ing a Supply
for his Lop:
&c and read
the first

An Act Toutching Leavying of warr & defraying
the publique Charge of this province. wch was read
the first time.
An Act Against Excessive vsury which was read
the first time.
An Act for Rayseing a supply for his Lopps
Extraordinary Occasions wch was read the first
A bill Entitled An Act Toutching leavying
of warr &c Read the second time by speciall
Order of the house and past to Ingrossment.

A bill Entitled an Act against Excessive vsury, read the
second time by speciall Order of the house and past to

Debated by the house whether the bill for Rayseing a
supply &c: shall be Expedited Towards its passage, by a
second reading in this house This day:

The debate referred.

Mr Secry Sewall & Esqr Pye bring a message from the
vpper house which being read is as followeth (viz')

About Trans-
mitting the
of the Comtee
Day of Sessions.

Aprill 21th 1684
If the Committee of both houses appoynted
to pfect the Lawes & Amendmts agreed on by the
grand Committee have Transmitted to the Lower
house any of their proceedings. The lower
house is desired [to Commlunicate the same to

this house, for their Consideraccon soe soon as may be, his


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 87   View pdf image (33K)
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