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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 85   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 85

Message about
the State

Upper house Aprill the 18th 1684
This house Takeing into their Consideraccon
the ruinous State & Condition of the State house
altogether vnfitt for the Reception and Enter-


teynmt of Assemblyes provmciall Courts & Other publique
meetings for wch the same was designed and Calling to mind
what a vast sum of Tobacco hath been Expended thereon
Desire the Lower house to Consider of some speedy repaires
thereof to be offered to [this House] for their ready concur-
rence therein.

Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl: &c.

Capt Smith & Mr Green Returne and say they cannot deliver
their message because the vpper house is Adjourned.

Then this house proceed to Consider the peticcons men-
tioned in the message by Mr Secry Darnall.


And vpon Reading the peticon of the Inhabitants
of Somersett County for a Towne at the Sea Side,
Ordered tht a towne be appoynted between the goe-

ing into Selbyes bay & Cornelivs Innis his land at Assategue
bay At the Discretion of the Commissioners: but,

Voted That the Towne at Barrows landing not to be
removed nor altered.


The peticcon of the Inhabitants of Zacaijah Swamp
in St Maryes County: was read, & Voted that there be
a towne at Westwood Mannor as by this peticcon is


Vpon Cosideraccon of the peticcon of the Inhabitants of
Nangemy Creeke in Charles County, Voted that a Towne be
Layd out at the mouth of Nangemy Creeke at or nere Lewis
his neck as is desired by the peticcon:

All the sayd peticcons refferred to the Committee for draw-
ing the Supplementary Act To the Act for Trade.

The house Adjourne till To morrow morning 8 [a Clock]

Satterday Aprill the 19th 1684

The house mett, and Called, all prsent as Yesterday

Then was read what was done Yesterday:

The Committee for drawing vp the bills and Amendmts
agreed on by the Grand Committee of both houses, goe vpon
their Charge.

Then was Taken Into further Consideraccon of this house,
the peticcons brought Yesterday by Mr Secry Darnall.

The peticon of the Inhabitants of Mannokin River in Som-
ersett County about a towne Read and Rejected.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 85   View pdf image (33K)
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