82 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.
3dly An Act phibitting the Transportaccon & Sale of his
Lopps Ordnance &c was Read. And therevpon Agreed
That a New bill now Read, Repealing the former be presented
to his Lop for his Assent.
4thly An Act for Takeing an Oath of ffidelity &c Agreed
That A Saveing of our Alleigeance To our Soveraigne Lord
the King: be Added to the Oath.
5thly An Act agt Rayseing of money wthin this pvince
wthout the Consent of Assembly &:
An Act Concerning Leavying warr within this province,
both wch lawes are de[sired to be] Taken into Consideraccon
by this Grand Committee.
6thly An Act Toutching hoggs and markeing Cattle, agreed
to bee repealed 1681
7thly An Act Concerning Deserted plantaccons, Desired
by the Lower house to bee mended. To which The vpper
house Answere that if the Lower house can find any way to
Assertayne his Lopps Rent to him they will Concurr with
them therein.
8thly An Act for Recording the Journall of the Lower
house, Read and therevpon agreed that a new bill bee drawne
leaveing out the word Adjournment.
The Committee Adjournes to the house
Mr Speaker Reassumes The Chaire
The house Adjourne Till To morrow morning 7 a Clock.
p. 28
Fryday Aprill the 18th 1684
The house mett and Called all present as Yesterday Except
Mr William Richardsone, who being sick has leave to goe
Then was read what was done Yesterday.
The grand
meet &
The house resolve into a grand Committee, And
Adjourne into the Councill Chamber: where were
prsent the vpper house as Yesterday.
Then was read a Bill Entitled An Act Toutching
Leavying of warr and Defraying the publique
Charge of this province, And the vpper houses Assent
thereto, and that the sayd bill, may be presented to his Lopp
with [both houses] for his Lopps Assent to the same, wch bill
Conteynes the sence of Two Other Acts One Entitled An Act
for Leavying of warr wthin this pvnce and the Other An Act
concerning Rayseing money wthin this province wthout the
Consent of an Assembly, and repeales the same.
It was therevpon Put to the Vote, by the members of the
upper house in Committee whether the said bill shall pass as
it is Yea or Nay