Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 83
Past in the Negative ;
Yet the Upper house say that if the Act for support of his
Lopp. And the Act of Gratitude, may be Considered Together
with the same, and putt into fitt termes, That then the said
three bills may bee presented to his Lopp together, To wch the
Lower house did not agree. Then was read An Act Impow-
ering the Governour and Councill to make warr and peace,
wthout the bounds of this province made Anno 1666: and vpon
debate appeared to be perpetuated in Ano 1676: & Repealed
in Anno 1678: But vpon the whole, it was Agreed by both
houses to bee fallen of it: selfe and ought not to stand in the
new booke of Lawes.
An Act for killing of wolves. Read and agreed that a new
bill be drawne, and made a Temporary Law.
An Act for Limmitting of Officers fees read. And Agreed
by both houses That the Act be amended, and the fee now
Taken by the [Secretaryes] for pattents Regulated.
An Act for County Clerkes fees, Read, And agreed that
the sd Act be Entered in the booke amongst the perpetuall
A supplementary Act to the Act for Officers fees, Read &
Agreed To be entered amongst the perpetuall Lawes.
The Committee Adjourne To the house.
Mr Speaker Reassumes the Chaire.
Then was read in this house the proceedings of The grand
Committee of yesterday and to day.
Mr Secry Darnall brings a paper from the vpper house which
being read is as ffolloweth vizt
A message
and Votes
of the vpper
house re-
lateing to
Upper house Aprill 18th 1684
Moved by a member of this house tht the Land
Given by William Berry to the Inhabitants of Battle
Towne in Calvert County in Consideraccon tht the
same should be Constituted a towne will (by the
Act of Trade past the last meeting of this sessions)
p. 29
revert to the Donor the Consideraccon being taken away,
vnless remedyed by a supplementary Act
Voted tht the sd place is a Convenient scituation for a
Towne or Port of Trade, and desire the Lower house will
make a provision Accordingly in the said supplementary Act
it being the [humble] request of all the Inhabitants there and
diverse others in [that County] the Court house being thereon
built at the great Charge of the [County].
Voted alsoe that a towne be Appoynted, Either at the land
Called Mount Calvert, or Muscleshell banck (both convenient
scituations for Trade) as the Commisioners in the said Act of