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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 81   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 81

Then was read the peticcon of Joseph Tilly prisoner &
Refferred to A ffull house, for further Consideraccon.


The grand

The House Resolve into a grand Committee, and
Adjourne into The Councill: Where were prsent of
the vpper house

Coll Courcey
Coll Taylor
Coll Darnall

Coll Lowe
Coll Diggs
Majr Sewall

Coll Taylor
Mr Secry Darnall
Coll Burgess

[Collo] Pye

Mr Richard Hall and Mr William Richardson members of
this house [are] denyed Entrance into the Vpper house by the
Doorkeeper Except the would Putt of their hatts, Wherevpon
arose some dispute between the Two houses, The Upper
house pressing to proceed vpon the business of the grand
Committee, the Lower house Answere they cannot, without
their members, wch were kept Out. At last the vppr house
give Order for the members, to be Admitted, for this time,
because the more weighty affaires now Before them should
not be delayed But to bee noe Rule for the future.
The sayd members were lett in and The grand Committee


Then was read The Address to his Lopp and the whole
matter as then penned Agreed On and Consented to.
Then Mr Carvile Read the Schedule (to bee Annexed to
the Address) To the Grand Committee of both houses, Which
being done
The Comittee Adjourne To the house
Mr Speaker reassumes the Chaire

p. 27

A vote of the
Lower house

about 2

Whereas there are Two Acts of Assembly made
both in the yeares 1649 & 50: One of them Entitled
an Act against Rayseing of money wthout the Con-
sent of the Assembly, And the Other Intitled [An

Act] Concerning Leavying of warr within this province.

Voted That the sayd Two Acts be debated in the Grand
Committee, And the bill presented to the vpper house at the
Ridge made to Explayne the said Two Acts be insisted on:

The house resolve Into a grand Committee And Adjourne
to the Councill Chamber, where were prsent as before.

The Committee of both houses proceed To Debate vpon
severall Acts.

Imprs An Act Toutching Judicature: Agreed That a new
bill be drawne to Conteyne the sence of the sayd Act, And
One Other Act Entitled An Act for proceedings at law, made
Ano 1664: and prsented to his Lopp:

2dly An Act for punnishment of Certayne Offences agt the
peace & safety of this province read and Debated. And
Agreed That a new bill now read bee presented to his Lopp
for his Assent, and the former Repealed.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 81   View pdf image (33K)
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