80 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.
Then the sayd Committee prsent to this house the foll paper
as a further report of Their proceedings in Committee (vizt)
Acts not Acts not yett agreed vpon by both houses.
yett agreed An Act for punnishing Certayne offences agt the
On. peace &c Anno 49 & 50
An Act prohibitting The Transportaccon of his Lops Ord-
nance, &c Anno 1649 & 50
An Act for Takeing the Oath of Fidelity: Though agreed
on by the Committee of both houses, Yet not fully Con-
cluded On:
An Act Concerning deserted plantaccons.
An Act Impowering the governour and Councill to make
p. 26
warr and peace Without the bounds of this province Anno
An Act for recording the Journall of the Lower House.
An Act for provideing support for his Lopp:
An Act of Gratitude to his Excellency Charles Calvert
Esq. &c.
An Act for Appoynting Court dayes &c.
An Act for Limmitaccon of Officers fees &c.
An Act Imposeing a pennalty on such who shall dispose of
Tobacco &c.
An Act for Killing of wolves.
Signed p Ordr Ant: Vnderwood Cler Comtee
Mr [Dar]nall Acquaints this house That the Vppr house are
ready to meet this house in a Grand Committee, he alsoe
delivers the following paper
William Blankinstein Aged 24 yeares or thereabout
deposeth as followeth.
Jacob Youngs
Excuse for not
Comeing to
this Assem-
bly According
to his bond
That Mr Jacob Young is soe sick & weake
being all over his body broken out with Boiles &
sores, that he is alltogether vncapable of goeing
or being Carryed vpon any Journey or voyage
wthout apparent danger of his life, wch is humbly
Certyfyed to his Lopp and the vppr house of
Jurat Cora me 6o Die Will Blanckinstein
Aprilis 1684: Geo Talbott
Vppr house Aprill 17th 1684
This house have Admitted of the Above deposition in
Excuse of Jacob Young to save him and his baile for not
appearing this Assembly and send it Downe to the Lower
house, for their Concurrence & Approbaccon.
Signd p Ordr Jno Lewellin Cl &c: