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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 79   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 79

An Act for the building a State house & prisone at St
Maryes Anno 1674:
An Act made vpon the peticon of John Long of London
Marcht Anno 1674:
An Act for Naturalizacon of Jacob Dehattaway & others
Anno 1674:
An Act made vpon the peticcon of Phillip Calvert Esq &
John Jourden Overseers of the will of John Jarboa: Anno
An Act for the settleing the Inheiretance of the Reall estate
of Robert Cager as alsoe his personall Estate, vpon the Majr
Recorder Aldermen & Common councill men of the Cyttie of
St Maryes to the vses in the sayd Robert Cagers will men-
tioned: Anno 1676:
An Act for limmittacon of Officers ffees, Anno 1676: [This
Act] may be Explayned and Amended.
An Act for keeping holy the Lords day: Anno 1678:
An Act for limmiting the County Clerkes ffees wthin this
pvince Ano 1678
An Act for the Confirming the title of Two hundred Acres
of land to Mary Ward: vpon her petition Anno 1678.
An Act Concerning Negroes and Slaves, Anno. 1681
A Supplementary Act to the Act for limmittaccon of Officers
ffees 1681
An Act made vpon the peticon of Samuell Holdsworth
Anno 1681
An Act explayning an Act Concerning port Dutyes and
Masters of shipps. Anno 1682:
An Act for Naturalizaccon of Jossua Guibert & Others,
Ano 1678:
An Act for Naturalizacon of Jacob Looton & Others Anno
An Act for Advancement of Trade Anno 1683:
An Act for Naturalizaccon of John Coosines & Others,
Anno 1683:
Signd p Order Ant: Vnderwood Clk Comtee

The members Ordered To goe with the message last Night
about the supplementary Act, goe with the same and are
further Ordered to acquaint the Vppr house tht This house is
ready to meet in A grand Committee According to the
Message yesterday.
They [returne and] say tht To the Verball message the
vpper house Answere that they have [not] received A report
for their members, and therefore are not Ready for the same,
but soe 'soone as they have received a Report they will send

p. 25

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 79   View pdf image (33K)
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