76 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.
Thursday Aprill the 17th 1684
The house mett and Called all prsent as yesterday
Then was read what was done yesterday
Mr Hutch-
ings prsents
to the house.
Mr ffrancis Hutchings a member of this house
hitherto absent now presents himselfe, and sayes
tht a few dayes, before the meeting of this Assembly,
he broake his Arme and was thereby rendered vnable to
Attend this house sooner, This Excuse being apparent is
Admitted and he takes his place.
The report
of the Com-
mittee for
the Address
& regulateing
the Schedule
The Committee for the Address, and Regulate-
ing the Schedule make report of their proceedings,
as followeth:
ffirst They present the Address ffaire written wch
was read.
Then they present to this house a paper or Schedule to be
annexed To the Address wch is as followeth. (vizt)
The Titles of the Lawes, in the peticcon and Address here-
vnto Annexed, mentioned, Desired to be by his Lopp Con-
firmed, according to the Alterations and Amendments pro-
An Act for Church Libertyes Ano 1640:
An Act for vncertayne goods Ano 1640:
An Act provideing agt Suddayne Accidents in the Govermt
An Act Concerning Religion Ano 1649 & 50
An Act for Recognition of the Lawfull and vndoubted Right
& Title of The Right Honble Caecilivs Lord Baron of Baltemore
absolute Lord and Propry of the province of Maryland, vnto
the said province, & vnto all Islands ports and Creekes
thereto belonging.
An Act Concerning purchaseing land from the Indians
Ao 1649 5o:
An Act of Oblivion made Ano 1649 & 50:
An Act for punnishing Certayne Offences agt the peace &
safety of this province Ano 1649 & 50: To be mended Accord-
ing to A new bill To be presented To his Lopp
An Act for punnishment of such as shall Counterfeit The
p. 23
Lord Proprys and his heires Lords and Prprys of this province
great Seale of this province
An Act against Rayseing of Money wthin this province
wthout the Consent of the Assembly Anno 1649 & 50
An Act concerning leavying warr wthin this province, An0
1649 & 5o
An Act prohibitting the Transportaccon and Sale of his
Lops Ordnance ammunicon goods Chattells &c. Anno 1649 &
50. That the sayd Act is to be mended according to a new
bill to be presented to his Lopp