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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 75   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 75

Coll Low & Edward Pye Esqr bring a message from the
vppr house wch being read is as followeth (vizt)


The vppr
reply There-

Upper house Aprill sixteenth 1684:
The Lower house by their Last message to this
house haveing signifyed That their Committee is
sent out to regulate their report made yesterday

& that till they returne to the house, They cannot well Con-
ferr wth this house, as is desired; This house doe approve
thereof and desire that for the more Effectuall dispatch of the
busines in hand, Their sayd Comtee may not only be stirred
vp to Expedite what they have in Charge, but may [be
fully] Commissionated, to debate and Consider of all matters
relat[eing to] both the perpetuall and Temporall Lawes for
the result of Both houses, at the Conference in the Grand

Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl &c.

A Comittee
for drawing
a Supple-
Act To the
Act for
Trade ap-

This house Appoynt Mr Clemment hill and Mr
Richard Hall to bee a Committee to prepare a Sup-
plementary Act To the Act for Advancemt of Trade,
and To Incert therein all such things as they shall
be advised will be Necessary for the good and bene-
fitt of the people of this province.

And then was drawne the ffollowing message, (vizt)
Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 16th 1684

A message
to the same

This house haveing appoynted a Committee to
prepare a Supplementary Act, to the Act for
Advancemt of Trade, Doe desire the vppr house

that if They have any petitions or Other matters before them
relateing Therevnto They may be Transmitted to this house
for the perfecting the sayd Bill:
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cler &c.

Which being read and Signed, was sent to the vppr house,
by the sd Comittee who return and say the vpper house is
Adjourned, soe they Cannot deliver the same, But that They
will sitt very Early in the morning:
Ordered tht the sd persones deliver the message to the
vppr house as soon as They sitt and doe proceed vpon their
[The] house Adjourn till to morrow morning 7 A Clock:

p. 22


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 75   View pdf image (33K)
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