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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 77   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 77

An Act for the speedy payment of debts Due to the Ld
propry [Ano 1649 & 50]
An Act for the planting of Come, Anno 1649 & 50.
An Act Toutching Indians Anno 1649 & 50:
An Act for Takeing the Oath of fidelity to his Lopp: the Ld
Propry To be amended with a Saveing of Alleigeance to his
sacred Majesty:
An Act concering Accomptants to the Lord Propry Anno
1649 & 50:
An Act Concerning Trade with the Indians Anno 1649:
& 50:
An Act for punnishment of Certayne Offences as swearing
Cursing and adultery &c Aprill Anno 1650:
An Act for punnishment of some Other Offences Anno 1650:
An Act prohibitting all Complyance wth Capt William
Cleybourn: in opposition to his Lops Right & Dominion over
this province, Aprill Anno 1650:
An Act Concerning deserted plantacons, Anno 1650.
An Act for Erecting providence Into a County by the name
of An-Arrundell County: Anno 1650.
An Act made at a Genll Assembly the 29th day of Aprill 1658
by Josias ffendall Esqr Governour:
An Act for Encouragement of such Souldiers as shall
Adventure in the defence of the Country: Anno 1661:
An Act Concerning setting vp of a Mint wthin this pvince
Ano 1661:
An [Act for] port Dutyes & Masters of shipps. Anno 1661:
An [Act for] purchaceing a State house & prisone An0
An Act for the prservaccon of the Severall Harbours wthin
this pvince: 1663:4
An Act Concerning Negroes & Slaves Anno 1663 & 64:
An Act Appoynting Corroners in each respective County.
Ano 1663 & 64:
An Act for Confirmaccon of the Articles of peace made wth
the Indians: 1663: 4
An Act prohibitting Comrs Sherriffs & Clerkes, to plead as
Attourneyes in the Respective County Courts, Anno 1666:
An Act prohibitting the Offices of Clerke and Sherriffe to
be Officiated At one and the same time by One and the same
persone. Anno 1666:
An Act for the publication of all lawes within this province
for the future. Anno 1666.


An Act for Naturalizeing of John Jarbo & Others Anno.
An Act for Naturalizaccon of James Neale & Others Anno

p. 24

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 77   View pdf image (33K)
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