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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 74   View pdf image (33K)
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74 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


Order to the
about ffin-
nishing the
Address &

Mr Burford Mr Rousby & Mr Carvile, Appoynted
to joyne with the membrs of the vpper house in
Committee to ffinnish the Address, And for draw-
ing vp a Schedule to be Annexed Therevnto but if
it happen, That the members of the Vpper house

doe not agree with the [members] of This house, Then the
members of this house are Ordered to [prepare] themselves
to draw vp the sd schedule, and present it To the Consider-
accon of this house.

Coll Stevens and Coll Bring a message from the vpper
house which being read is as followeth: (vizt)

A Conference
in the Grand

Upper house Aprill 16th 1684:
The Two Committees of both houses Appoynted,
to Inspect & Examine the Temporall & perpetuall
Lawes of this province haveing prsented their

p. 21

report to both houses, This house desires to Conferr with the
Lower house in the Grand Committee Toutching some Result
to be made Therevpon In Ordr to present to his Lordship for
his Approbacon And Assent To what may Thought Necessary
Signed p Ordr John LLewellin Cl &c.

Put to the Question whether this house shall goe and Con-
ferr wth the Upper house, as is Desired by the Last message,
before the members returne from the Committee.
Past in the Negative.
In Answere wherevpon was drawne the ffollowing message

Answere to
the last

Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 16th 1684
This house haveing sent out their members, Nomi-
nated to Jo[in in Com] mittee with the members:
of the Upper house, to regulate the report [of the

Commmittee] brought into this house yesterday, In Order to the

better Asser[taining] all matters which ly before the Twc
houses. In Relation to the Temporary [and] perpetuall lawes
of this province Cannot well Come to a Conference wth the
upper house about the same, vntill their sayd member:
returne to this house wth Their report soe regulated, But ther
this house will meet the vppr house in a Conference about the
same as is desired.

Sign'd p Ordr C Boteler Cl &c:

which being read and sign'd was sent to the vppr house by
Capt Hill and Doctour Brooke. They returne and say they
have delivered the same.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 74   View pdf image (33K)
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