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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 73   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 73

all such as shall dispose of Tobacco seized and received by the
Sher: Doe stand as A Temporary Act.
9thly To the Ninth. That the Act for Explanacon of the
Clause in an Act made 1649: Toutching Hoggs and Marke-
ing Cattle, is Repealed.
10thly To the Tenth That a new law is not necessary:
11thly To the Eleventh: That the Act for Continuance of
peace, with and proteccon of our neighbour and Confederate
Indians in Choptanck River, Doe stand According to the
True Intent and meaning thereof
12thly To the I2th That the Act for killing of woolves is A
Temporary law.
The house Adjournes Till Tomorrow morning Eight a Clock


Wedensday Aprill the 16th 1684

The house Called and all present as yesterday.
Then was read what was done Yesterday.

p. 20

An Act of
of England

The was the Act for punnishing Certayne offences
agt the peace &c taken into ffurther Consideraccon,
And An Act of Parlament made in the 13th Yeare
of the King that now is Entitled An Act for safety

of his Majestyes persone, and Govermt Against Treasonable
and Seditious practices was read in this house, And the sayd
Act, as alsoe the Act for [punishing] Offences, Referred to
A Comittee, To draw vp a bill for the [security of his] Lops
persone and Goverment, Accordingly.

The house
vpon the

Then this [house] proceed vpon the Amendmts
prsented by the Comittee.
13thly To [the 13th] Article, Voted that the Act
for preservation of Orphanes Estates, made Ano

1671: was repealed, by an Act made 1681

14thly To the 14th Voted tht the Act for support of his Lop.
Stand according to the true Intent and meaning thereof:

15thly To the 15th Voted that the Act of Gratitude to his
Excellency &c Stand According to the true Intent and mean-
ing thereof.

16thly To the 16th Voted That the Act for limmitting the
County Clerkes fees, be Inscribed into the new Transcripts.

17thly To the 17th Voted That The supplementary Act to
the Act for Officers fees, be Inscribed into the new Tran-

18thly To the 18th Voted that a Supplementary Act to the
Act for Advancemt of Trade be Considered of by this house.

Vpon Reading the Act for recording the Journall of the
Lower house Voted That the word Adjournment be left out
of the sayd Act.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 73   View pdf image (33K)
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