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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 72   View pdf image (33K)
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72 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


9thly An Act for Explanaccon of that Clause in an Act made
in the time of Capt Stone 1649. Toutching.hoggs and marke-
ing Cattle in his Lops [booke] of Lawes mentioned is by an
Act made Anno 1671 Repealed.
10thly Memorandum. That a new Law be made Toutching
hoggs and markeing Cattle.
11thly Resolved that an Act for Continueing of peace wth &
proteccon of &c That the last Enacting Clause & pviso be
repeal'd if thought Convenient.
12thly Resolved thl the Act for killing of wolves be Taken
into Consideraccon.
13thly An Act for secureing Orphanes Estates made Ano
1671. is repealed in Ano 1681: by a new law made for that


p. 19

14thly An Act for the support of his Lopp made Anno 1671
to be Taken into Consideraccon.
15thly An Act of Gratitude to his Excellency Charles &c
made Anno 1674 To bee Considered off.
16thly An Act for limmitting the County Clerkes fees, to
bee inscribed into the New booke.
17thly A supplementary Act to the Act for Officers ffees,
made Anno 1681 To be inscribed into the New booke.
18thly Memorand A supplementary Act to be made to the
[Act for] Advancement of Trade
Signd p Ordr Ant Vnder[wood Clk] Comtee

Which paper being read, was Taken into the Imediate Con-
sideraccon of this house, and vpon serious debate, Resolved
as foll: vizt
Imprs To the first Article, That the Act therein mentioned
Stand as it is in the New booke.
2dly To the second, That the Act therein mentioned be left
3dly To the Third: That the Act Toutching pagans, is
4thly To the ffourth: That the Act for punnishment of Cer-
tayne Offences agt the peace &c Be amended, But the Amend-
ments referred to further Consideraccon and that the Act for
the safety of his Majestyes persone be Consulted
5thly To the ffifth: That the Act prohibitting the Transpor-
taccon & sale of his Lops Ordinance, be mended according to
a bill presented to the vppr house last sitting.
6thly To the sixth That the Act Toutching hoggs and marke-
ing Cattle bee left out.
7thly To the seventh, That the Act for appoynting Certayne
Officers, is a Temporary Act
8thly To the Eighth, That the Act Imposeing a penalty One

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 72   View pdf image (33K)
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