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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 71

Just and Due Obedience, In whose harts you will Rule, and
Comand, vpon all Just Occasions what shall be necessary, for
the defence and support of the Dignity of This your Lops

Signed p Ordr Ant Vndrwood Cl Comtee

The sayd Committee alsoe prsent to the house the following
paper of Amendments, being the proceedings of the Com-
mittee In relaccon to the Lawes of this province: vizt


in the lawes,
on by the
for drawing
the Address.

Munday Aprill the 14th 1684
Att a Committee of both houses Appoynted for
drawing vp an Address To the Right honoble the
Lord Propry Relateing to the Lawes of this Prov-

p. 18

Present of the vpprr house
The Honoble Coll Wm Stevens
The Honoble Jno Darnall Esqr

Present of the Lower house
Mr Robert Carvile
Mr Thomas Burford
(Mr Jno Rousby


Resolved by this Committee tht it is very Expedient tht the
Act provide [ing against] suddayn Accidents in the Gov-
erment be amended.

2dly [Resolved] likewise tht the Act Toutching Judicature
made Ano 1646 be alsoe [amended] In regard of a Clause
therein (Vizt) In defect of law the &c Is Condemned by an
Other Act Entitled an Act Concerning proceedings at Law
wch sayes, Leaveing to much to discretion is to Open a Gapp
to Corruption.

3dly Resolved the Act Toutching pagans, being found to
bee Incerted into Other Lawes, Ought to bee repealed.

4thly Resolved the the Act for punnishing Certayne Offences
agt the peace &c should be mended:

5thly Resolved the the Act prohibitting the Exportaccon &
Sale of his Lopps Ordnance, &c be Inspected in Order to

6thly Resolved that the Act Toutching hoggs and markeing
Cattle, although Incerted in his Lops Booke for a perpetuall
Law, Stands Repeald by an Act made Anno 1671:

7thly Resolved that the Act for Appoyntment of Certaine
officers, is a Temporary Law, & therefore to be putt out of the
perpetuall law booke.

8thly An Act for Imposeing a penalty On all such as shall
dispose of Tobacco Seized & received by the Sher. &c made
Ano 1664: That there is an Other Act made since (vizt) 1678:
Doe thinke it meet tht the Latter Act being allwayes revived,
to have it made perpetuall [and the] Other Repealed.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 71   View pdf image (33K)
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