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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 70   View pdf image (33K)
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70 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


And hath made Three Coppyes Thereof Offering the same to
the Consideraccon of your Lops Two houses ffor their veiw
perusall Approbaccon & Amendment Thereof & Assent To
the same, That soe after Due Examination of them they might
wth the Advice & Consent of your Lopps Two houses receive
their full vygour and force by your Lops Assent and Con-


p. 17

Now may it further please yor Lop Your Lopps Two houses
of Assembly In the first place hereby returning yor Lop their
most humble & harty thankes for yor Lops great kindness,
Love & Affeccon & Studious Care for the good and wellfare
of the good people of this yor Lops province Doe in the next
place, humbly Assure your Lop: that in Obedience to yor
Lopps Commands, they have Carefully and dilligently revised
& Examined the sd Three Transcripts of the Lawes aforesd,
and Compared them wth the auncient Book of Lawes, and
such Originalls as Came to our V[iew In the] puseing and
Examineing whereof, they have found some Err[ors and
mista]kes & made Observations, for some Necessary amend-
ments [to be made as well] in the auncient booke of Lawes,
as in the Coppyes or [Transcripts] And have reduced the
Titles of all the perpetuall Lawes, by your [Lopps] Two
houses of Assembly desired to be Confirmed Into a Shedule
herevnto annexed wth such necessary amendments to the same,
to be a new drawne Over, as to your Lordsp shall seem meet,
and the the present Juncture of time will permitt, to be fairely
ingrossed In a booke for That purpose, To all wch perpetuall
Lawes added and amended as aforesd, your Lopps two
houses of Assembly doe humbly beseech Yor Lop will be gra-
ciously pleased to give your Lops Assent vnto and Approba-
tion & Confirmaccon thereof and Cause the same to be fairely
Ingrossed in a booke for that purpose and that all Other the
perpetuall Lawes and Acts of Assembly heretofore made and
published in this province of what kind or quallity soever,
Other then what are in the Schedule Herevnto Annexed men-
tioned & amended as aforesd And by the Consent of your
Lop: and both houses Thought fitt to be entered, in the new
booke aforesd, may stand and bee for ever Absolutely
Your Lops Gracious Condescention herevnto & Confirm-
accon hereof as aforesd before your departure is (with all Due
Obe[dience] and Submission to your Lops good will & pleas-
ure therein) [most] humbly offered to your Lops Consider-
accon by yor Lordsps Two houses of Assembly, as the Cheifest
meanes to prserve & Continue the peace and vnity and welfare,
of this your Lops province & the Inhabitants thereof In their

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 70   View pdf image (33K)
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