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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 69

house, will then Appoynt some One or more of theire mem-
bers to Joyne In Committee with some of the Lower house,
To State the publique Accots as is desired by the message of
the Lower house yesterday.
Signed p Ordr John LLewellin Cl &c.

The Committee for drawing vp the Address to his Lopp
for Settleing the Lawes of this province Come In to the
House and Present to the house the ffollowing Address (vizt)

To the Right Honble Charles Absolute Lord & propry of the
pvinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Barren of Balte-
more &c.
The ticcon & Address of yor Lops Two houses of
[May it please] Yor Lopp:

p. 16

to his Lopp.

Wee your Lopps most humble servants the mem-
bers of the vppr [and] Lower houses of Assembly
in this prsent genr" Assembly Conveened wth all
Immaginable gratitude Acknowledging the happy-

ness peace & tranquillity 1 his your Lordships province
(through the blessings of God & yor Lops and honoured
ffather of noble memory deceased, Care Vigilancy & sereen
govrment) Hitherto Injoyed and the many flavours and bene-
fitts & Immunityes wee have In genrall received from your Lops
bounty and Clemency & withall Takeing into their serious
Consideraccon, Your Lops Gracious speech made to vs your
Lops Two houses, at the Opening of this prsent meeting of
Assembly, wherein amongst Other things therein Conteyned
yor Lopp pleased to Communicate, To yor Two houses that
the great Exegencie of yor Lopps Affaires required your
Lops speedy voyage for England, And that notwithstanding
yor Lops many Other vrgent Concernes as well private and
Publique, & tht yor Lop was much staitened for time for the
Accomplishing Thereof yet yor Lop was graciously pleased to
Condescend to Impart a great share thereof to vs your Two
houses In Order to the settleing and Establishing the per-
petuall and Temporary lawes of this province in such manner
as may best Conduce to the good welfare and Securyty
thereof yor Lopp vouchsafeing to Assure your Two houses,
that to Joyne wth [them] therein Or in any thing they could
reasonably expect, at yor Lops [desire] as the Cause, of yor
Lopps appoynting this meeting, and for the Effecting whereof
Nothing should be wanting On your Lops part.

And seeing since the Last meeting of assembly yor Lop: (in
Order to the better Settleing the Lawes of this province) hath
Caused the Lawes of this province To be fairely Transcribed,


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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