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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 68   View pdf image (33K)
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68 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


prvent such Extortion so frequently practiced as aforesd,
That all such persones wch Otherwise may be Compelled to
pay the same may not be Ruined and brought to beggery, by
such extortion as aforesd.
A proposall of a member of the house.

A proposall
about the
Secrys ffees.

That whereas severall Complaynts are made, tht
the Secretaryes of this province, doe require Exact
and Take 240lb of Tobfacco for making drawing

and recording of a pattent lor land, whereas [former] Secrys
required Noe more then 120lb of Tob: wch was According
[to] what the law of this province did Allow him for the same.

Whether it be not Necessary to Inquire into the Truth of
the premises, And if it be found true, to further Inquire and
knowe, the Cause & Just reasone thereof vpon what Account
and by what law, the Secryes as aforesd doe require Exact
and recive double fees, as aforesd for the same.

These proposalls Referred to further debate.

Then was Drawn the following Message by Ordr of the

A Committee
of Acco's

Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 14th 1684
This house desire the vpper house To Appoynt
some of the members of their hpwse To Joyne with
some of the members of this house In a Committee

To State the Publique Accots of this province.

Signed p Ordr C Boteler Cl &c.

Which being read and Signd was sent to the vppr house by
Capt Orsborne and Majr Long: They returne and say they
have delivered the same.

The house Adjournes till To morrow morning 7 a Clock.

Tuesday Aprill the 15th 1684:

The [house] mett and Called all present as yesterday

Then was read what was done yesterday.

Then was read James Martins peticon for a Maintenance,
haveing have lost all he had by ffire.

The peticoner Referred to the Consideraccon of the Comrs
of the County Court

Mr Secry Sewall brings a message from the vppr house wch
being read is as foil:

to the last

Upper house Aprill the 15th 1684
This house haveing already Joyned with the Lower
house in Two Comtees have not members enough,
now left to sett forth any more but soe soone as

there shall be any greater Appearance in this house, this


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 68   View pdf image (33K)
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