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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 67

doth sufficiently repeale a perpetuall Law. tht question not
Answered, but Resolved tht the sayd Act is repealed, by an
Act made for the same End Anno 1681: An Act for
Appoynting Court dayes. Read. In [which there] is found
noe day for the Comrs of Caecill County to hold the Co[urt in
that] County:
[Then Resolved tht a bill be drawne vp wth an amendment
in that
Res[olved] the Act agt Henry ward being performed be
excluded the New bookes.
An Act for Repeale of Certayne Lawes made Ano 1678:
Resolved tht this Act is in full force Except One Clause
Relateing to the Exportaccon of his Lopps Ordnance.
A supplementary Act to the Act for Officers fees made
1681: This Act being perpetuall and left out of the Tran-
scripts, Resolved that the sd Act be Added To the perpetuall
An Act for limmiting the County Clerkes fees: made Anno
1678: being Left Out of the Transcripts: Resolved That the sd
Act be Added to the perpetuall Lawes.
An Act for repeale of Certayne Lawes made Ano 1681:
Resolved that the sd Act is in full fforce, and Ought to bee
Incerted into the Transcript of the perpetuall Lawes.
The Committee Adjourne To the house
Mr Speaker Reassumes the Chaire
The com- Mr Burford Mr Rousby and Mr Carvile, being
mittee for Appoynted by this house to Joyne with severall


the Address members of the vpper ho[use com]mittee To draw
goe out. vp an Address to his Lopp for settleing the Lawes
of [this Pro]vince According to a vote of the grand Com-
mittee, yesterday, Ordered that the said Committee goe forth-
with vpon That Affaire.
The house Adjournes Till Munday morning 8 a Clocke:

Munday Aprill the ffourteenth 1684:

The house mett and Called, all present as on Satterday:
Then was Read what was done a Satterday
Then was read a proposall of a member of the house as


That whereas severall persones have Complayned that many
psones in this province Doe Require, Exact and Extort great
Interest of the Poore Inhabitants of this province, Twenty ffive
pounds pr Cent for the forbearance of all such of the poore
Inhabitants, that want ability to pay theire debts, for On
yeares forbearance of their debts as aforesaid. Whether this
Assembly may not see it necessary to make an Act or law To

p. 15

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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