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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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66 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


An Act Explayning one Clause in An Act toutching hoggs
and markeing Cattle, Read, Debated and therevpon resolved
That the sayd Act is repealed by a particular Act made Ano
1671 and by [an Act to] Repeale made Anno 1678: There-
fore not to stand in the booke of Lawes
An Act Impowering to Governour and Councill [to make
warr] wthout the bounds of this province: Read and Agreed
to be [repealed with the] Ascertayning Act made Anno 1678:
An Act for the Support of the Right Honoble Caecilivs &c.
This Act left to the further Consideraccon of both houses.
Resolved that some members of Each house be Appoynted
to morrow Morning to draw vp an Address to his Lopp: for
settleing the Lawes of this province
The Committee Adjourne The house
Mr Speaker Assumes the Chaire &
The house Adjourne till to morrow morning seven a Clock:

Satterday Aprill the 12th 1684

The house mett and Called, all prsent as Yesterday Except
Capt Johnsone, who is gone home sick.
Then was read what was done yesterday.
Capt Orsborne sent to the vppr house for the Old booke of
He returnes with book:
And the Act Concening deserted plantaccons, Being Read
The booke was [sent back] to the vpper house.
The [Comittee] Apoynted Yesterday to Examine The
Temporary lawes Sent to Joyne with the members of the
vpper house for That purpose [no]minated and soe to pro-
ceed therein.
The house Resolve into a Grand Committee, And Adjourne
into The Councill Chamber, Where the vppr house are prsent
as yesterday.

A Committee
To draw
vp the Adress.

The Committee Then proceed To Appoynt
members of Each house To draw vp the Address
To his Lopp for settleing the lawes of this pvince
According to the Vote of the Comittee yesterday,

Therevpon was nominated

By the Vppr house

Coll Stevens
Mr Secry Darnall

By the Lowr house

Mr Burford
Mr Rousby
Mr Carvile.

p. 14

The Committee proceed to Examine and Debate the Lawes.
An Act for preservaccon of Orphanes Estates. Taken
into Debate, and being found to be repealed by a Temporary
act Putt to the question whether a Temporary law, can or


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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