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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 65

A Committee
to inspect

To In [spect and] Compare the The Temporary
Lawes of this province.
Then [Collo Trulman of the Grand Committee of


the Lower house desires to knowe if [the matter re]marked,
vpon reading the perpetuall lawes may bee debated in [the
Com] mittee.

After [some] debate vpon the Question it was resolved
That this Committee may debate the matters Remarked vpon
the Reading of the said Lawes.

The force of
some lawes,
and amendmts
in Others de-
bated and

Then The Comittee proceed, and vpon Consid-
er accon of:
An Act Toutching Judicature
Resolved that the sayd Law is repealed in the
yeare 1678: by an Act for repeale of Certayne

lawes, wch Act of repeale being Only disassented to in One
Clause: that is to say: An Act against Exporting his Lops
Ordinance &c. the remayning part of the sayd repealeing Act
is in full force, And soe repeales the Act Toutching Judica-
ture, and therefore the sd Act ought not to stand In the
Vpon Consideraccon of An Act Toutching Pagans.
Resolved that the sd Act stands repealed, by the Repealing
Act made Ano 1678: And therefore Ought not to remaine in
the booke.
An Act for punnishing Certaine Offences agt the peace &c.
Vpon debate of the sd Act: Resolved that a New bill be
prepared instead thereof.
An Act prohibitting the Transportaccon &c of his Lops
Ordnance &c
Resolved that a new bill be drawne and prsented to for his
Assent: Instead of that Act.
An Act for Takeing the Oath of ffidelity. &c read &
Resolved that the sayd Act be mended by Adding into the
Oath [and] saveing of our Aleigeance to his Sacred Majesty.
An Act Toutching Hoggs & Markeing Cattle: Read &
Resolved therevpon that the sayd Act is repealed, by an Act
made Ano 1681: and Ought not to remayne in the book:
An Act appoynting Certayne Officers read & Resolved that
the sayd Act is Temporary: and ought to stand in The bookes
as Such.

An Act Imposeing a penalty, On such as shall dispose of
Tobacco Seized and received by the Sher and Others, Read
And therevpon Resolved That the sayd Act is Repealed and
therefore ought not to bee Continued in the booke of Lawes.
An Act Relateing to Negroes and Slaves Read & Resolved
to be Repealed by an Act made Anno 1681: Except One

p. 3


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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