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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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64 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


61: An Act for Limmiting Officers fees, Made Ano 1676:
Corrected. And left to further debate for Explanaccon &
62: An Act for punnishing a Certayn abuse Committed by
Henry Ward &c A private Act.
63: An Act for keeping holy the Lords day: Made Ano
1678. Agreed too.
64: An Act for Confirming the title of Two hundred Acrs
of land, to Mrs Mary Ward vpon her peticon. Made Ano 1678:
A private Act:
65: An Act Concerning Negroes and Slaves, Made An0
681 Corrected and Agreed too.
66: An Act for repeale of Certayne Lawes: Made Anno
1678: To be debated
67: An Act for Releife of Jacob Lessler of New Yorke
Marht a private Act.
68: An Act made vpon the peticcon of Samuel Hossworth:
A private Act.
69: An Act Explayning An Act Concerning port Dutyes
& Masters of Shipps. made Anno 1682: Corrected and
agreed too.
70: An Act for Advancement of Trade: Made Anno 1683;
This Act to be mended by a supplementary Act.
The [Committee] Adjoune To the house.
Mr Speaker Reassumes the Chaire
The house Adjourne Till To morrow Morning 7 a Clock.

Friday Aprill the 11th 1684.

The house mett and Called, all present as yesterday
Then was read what was Done yesterday.
Then Came Capt Henry John and Complayned, that he is
sick and not able any Longer To Attend the business of this
Assembly Therefore desires Leave to goe home, wch is granted
to him.
The house resolves Into a Grand Committee And Adjournes
into the Councill Chamber: where of the vppr house were
prsent as yesterday.

p. 12

Then Coll Coursey proposes that a Committee may be
Appoynted out of both houses to proceed vpon Examinacon
of the Temporary lawes That soe both houses may goe on
vpon such Other business as Lyes before them. The Grand
Committee agree to the proposition And there vpon are

ffor the vppr house

Coll Lowe

Cull Darnall

ffor the Lower house

Capt Smith
Mr ffrizby &
Mr Clemt Hill

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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