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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 63

This Act haveing relaccon to An Act afterwards made
Entituled An Act of Gratitude to his Excellency Charles
Calvert &c Ano 1674:
To stand according to the True meaning thereof, vnless
Otherwise by his LOp: And Two houses agreed to the Con-
The Committee Adjourne to the house
Mr Speaker Reassumes the Chaire. &
The house Adjournes till To morrow morning: 7: a Clock.

Thursday Aprill the 10th 1684

The house mett and Called All present as Yesterday.
Then was read what was done Yesterday.
The house resolves into a grand Committee and Adjourne
to the Councill chamber where the members of the Upper
house were prsent as yesterday
Then was Read the ffollowing Lawes.
50: An Act for killing of wolves made Ao 1671: left to be
51: An Act for preservaccon of Orphanes Estates: made
Anno: 1671: This Act is repealed by an Act made Anno
52: An Act for Enrolement of Conveyances and secureing
the Estates of Purchasers, made Anno 1074: Corrected and
agreed to:
53: An Act for appoynting Court dayes in each Respective
County wthin this province, made Anno: 1674: This Act to bee
mended by appoynting a Court day for Ceecill County
54: An Act declareing what shall be done by the Sherr
Ex officio, Made Anno 1674: Corrected and agreed to.
55: An Act made vpon the peticon of Jno Long of the Cytty
of London Mercht agreed to.


56: An Act for Erecting a Court house and Prisone in
Every County within this province, Made Ano 1674. Cor-
rected & Agreed too.
57: An Act for the building a State house and Prisone at
St Maryes made Ano 1674. Corrected & Agreed too.
58: An Act for repeale of Certayne Lawes, And Asser-
tayning the Lawes of this province, Made Ano 1676: this Act
to be debated
59: An Act made vpon the peticcon of Phillip Calvert Esqr
& J[ohn] Jourdein Overseers of the will of John Jarboa: Made
Anno. 1676, [a private] Act.
60: An Act for settleing the Inheritance of the Reall
estate [of Robert Keiger] & alsoe his personall estate, vpon
the Majr Recorder Alder[men and] Councill men of the Cyttie
of St Maryes & their Successors to the [aforesaid] Robert
Keigers will mentioned: Made Anno 1676: a priv[ate] Act.

p. 11

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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