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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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62 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


Officiated at One & the same time by One and the same per-
sone. Made Ao 1666: This Act Corrected and agreed Too.
39: An Act for the Explanaccon of a Clause in an Act
made by Capt Wm Stone Toutch hoggs and Markeing Cattle.
This Act left to be debated.
40: An Act for Impowring the Governor & Councill to
make peace or warr without the bounds of the province
Made Ao 1666: This Act is repealed by An Act made Ao
41: An Act for Publishing all Lawes within this province,
Made Ao 1666: This Act Corrected and agreed too.
42: An Act for Continuance of peace with and proteccon
of our Neighbour and Confederate Indians in Choptanck
River, Made Ao 1669: This Act is Corrected and Agreed too,
Except the last En Acting Clause and pvisoe which vied.
The Committee Adjourne to the house
Mr Speaker Reassumes the Chaire &
The house Adjourne Till To morrow Morning 7: a Clock

Wedensday Aprill the Ninth 1684
The house meett, and Called, all prsent as Yesterday:
Then was read what was done Yesterday:
The house resolve into a grand Committee, Ad Adjourne
into the Councill Chamber, Where were prsent of the vppr
house as yesterday
43: Then was read An Act, for the Recording the Journall
of the Lower house, made Anno 1669: & Agreed the word
Adjournment, be left out of the Act

p. 10

44: An Act ffor Encouragement of such as shall build
water mills Made Ao 1669: Corrected and agreed too, the
last Clause being repealed.
45: An Act for Incourageing the Importaccon of Negroes
& Slaves into this province, Made the 7th of March 1671:
Corrected & agreed to:
46: An Act Impowring the Comissioners of the County
Courts to Leavy and Rayse tobacco, Towards the defraying
the Necessary Charges of their Countys Made Anno 1671:
Corrected and Agreed too.
47: An [Act] makeing voyd and punnishing all fraudulent
practizes [Tending to the] defrauding of all reall purchasers
& Creditors, Made Ao [1661 Agre]ed too and Corrected.
48: An [Act Qui]etting possessions, Made Anno 1671:
Corrected and Agreed [to]
49: An Act for the Rayseing and provideing a Support,
for his Lopp the Lord propry Dureing his Naturall life, And
likewise a supply Towards the defraying the publique Charge
of the Governmt Made Anno 1671.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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