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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 59

house as by the Journall Thereof: And of the vppr house as


Coll Henry Coursey
Coll William Stevens
Coll Henry Darnall


Mr Secry Darnall
Mr Secry Sewall
Coll William Burges


about A

After severall Arguments, and disputes Concenng
the Joyning the Grand Comtee of the Lower house,
and the members of the vpper house in One Grand

Committee and Electing A Chaireman thereof. The question
was wav[ed by the Upper] house. And Coll Coursey desired
the members of the Lower house to sitt and proceed to the
business for wch they mett, He further proposed it to the
Choyce of the Lower house, whether they would proceed to the
Examineing the perpetual Lawes or the Temporall Lawes first:
Agreed tht the perpetuall Lawes be first Examined;

Laws Ex-

Then Coll Coursey Ordered his Lopps speech att
the Opening of this meeting of Assembly To be
read: wch was done.

1: Then was Read an Act for Church libertyes, Made
Anno 1640:
And Agreed too: Then was read the Acts following:
2: An Act for Vncertayne Goods made Ao 1640: The
Transcript whereof being Corrected, it was agreed Too.
3: An Act provideing agt Certayne Accidents in the Gover-
ment made Anno 1640: Agreed too.
4: An Act Toutching Judicature made Ao 1647: This Act
mentioned in the margent of the old book to be repealed :
and left out of secretary Calverts booke.
5: An Act Toutching Pagans, made Ao 1647: This Act
mentioned in the margent of the Old booke to be repealed:
An Act Concerning Religion Made Ao 1649 & 50: being
Corrected to the Old booke This Act is agreed too.
6: An Act of Recognition of the Lawfull and vndoubted
[claim] of the Right Honoble Caecilius Lord Baron of Balte-
more and proprietary of the province of Maryland, vnto the
said pro[vince] and vnto all Islands Ports and Creekes, there-
to belonging: Made A 1649 & 50:
This Act Agreed to, the Transcripts being Corrected: to the
Old booke.
7: An Act Concerning purchaceing land from the Indians:
Made Ao 49 & 50 This Act Corrected and agreed too.
8: An Act of Oblivion Made Anno 1649 & 50: This Act
Corrected & Agreed too.
9: An Act for punnisment of Certayne Offences agt the
peace and safety of this province: Made Ao 1649 & 50:
Memo This Act to be mended.

p. 7


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 59   View pdf image (33K)
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