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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 60   View pdf image (33K)
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60 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.


10: An Act for punnishment of such as shall Counterfeit
the Lord proprys and his heires Lds and proprs of this province,
Great seale of This province Made Ao 1649 and 50: Cor-
rected and Agreed too:
11: An Act against Rayseing of Money wthin this province
wthout the Consent of the Assembly: Made Ao 1649 & 50:
Corrected and agreed to:
12: An Act Concerning Leavying of warr within this
province Made Anno 1649 & 50: Corrected and agreed too:
13: An Act prohibitting the Transportaccon or sale of his
Lops Ordnance Amm[unition] Goods Chattells &c Made
Anno 1649 & 50: Agreed that a new bill [be presented] to
his LOp Instead of this Act:
14: An Act for Speedy payment of debts Due to the Lord
Propry Made Anno 1649: & 50: This Act Corrected and
Agreed too.
15: An Act for planting of Corne made Ao 1649 and 50:
This Act Corrected and Agreed too:
16: An Act Toutching Indians; Made Anno 1649: and 50:
This Act Corrected and Agreed too
The Committee Adjourne To the house.
Mr Speaker Reassumes The Chaire
And The House Adjourne Till To morrow Morning Eight
a Clock:

p. 8

Tuesday Aprill the 8th 1684

The house mett and Called, all prsent as Yesterday.
Then was read what was done Yesterday:
The house resolves Into a grand Committee, And Adjourne
into the Councill Chamber, where were prsent of the vppr
house the same as yesterday
Then were read the ffollowing Acts: (vizt)
17: An [Act] for Takeing the Oath of ffidelity to the
Lord Propry made Anno 1649 [and 50] And Agreed to be
mended: with a saveing of Alleigeance to [his sacred] Majesty:
18: [An Act concerning Accountants to the Lord Propry
Made Ao 1649 & 50: This [Act corrected] and Agreed too.
19: An Act [con]cering Trade with the Indians: Made Ao
1649 and 50: This Act Corrected and Agreed too.
20: An Act Touching Hoggs and Markeing of Cattle mad
Ao 1649 & 50 This Act repealed, by an Act made Ao 1678:
21: An Act for punnishing Certayne Offences, as swereing
Curseing Adultery &c Made Aprill Ao 50: Corrected and
agreed too.
22: An Act for punnishmt of some Other Offences, Made
Anno 1650: This Act Corrected and agreed too.
23: An Act prohibitting all Complyance wth Capt William

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 60   View pdf image (33K)
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